We know it, theofficial announcement of the Nintendo SWITCH 2 (Or whatever its name) should arrive from here March 2025.In the meantime, rumors have free rein. Technical specifications, line-up, backward compatibility or even release date, everything goes.
Among the recurring sources of these rumors, the Brazilian YouTube account tvPH who made himself known by asserting before anyone else that the new console would finally be released in 2025While waiting to find out if the site was right, in the absence of knowing if it has real sources in the industry, tvPH just published a new video which, surprise, does not evoke the Nintendo SWITCH 2 but the future of the current Nintendo Switch.
tvPH indeed states that Nintendo should not abandon our good old Switch after the release of its successor and that it should even continue to supply it with “new” titles. So, tvPH believes he knows that Nintendo currently working on remakes/remasters of two old games that have brought joy to owners of GameCube and of 3DS and which should come out in 2025 on Lhas Nintendo Switch “first generation”.
No other details on the games in question but we keep it in the back of our minds, knowing that next month A NINTENDO DIRECT special should tell us more about the latest Nintendo Switch games.
In the meantime, we can only speculate. However, if the 3DS still has quite a few titles that could be the subject of remakes such as, in particular, Kirby: Planet Robobot, The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds or Kid Icarus: Uprising, on the side of the GameCube, the choice is much more restricted… There is StarFox Adventures that comes to mind and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes or the two Zeldas, then brought to Wii U, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD And The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (unofficially announced for years on Switch).
At the same time, there is not too much risk in making this kind of statement because Nintendo has always dug into its old catalogs – and today, more than yesterday. While waiting for further developments, don't hesitate to tell us what you think in the comments.
A NINTENDO DIRECT in June 2024 to discuss the latest Nintendo Switch games