Our complete walkthrough is here to accompany you on your journey through the world of Dofus. Detailed guides to easily progress through the major stages of the game, find stuff or even improve your professions. You can find the solution to the quest in our guide
“Lack of mold” In Dofus.
All you need to know
Prerequisites | Recommended level: 90 |
Awards | 1,505,385 XP 19,760 Kamas Bwork Mage Book x1 Explosive Capsule x5 |
Location | Bworks Village [-5,10] |
Predictable | Combat (group) x1 Fighting monsters in an area Sesame Oil x2 Kanigrou Eye x2 Goblin Canine x5 Iron x5 Boo Mud x10 |
Quest Solution
“Lack of mold”
The quest begins in the Bworks village in
[-5,10] with Bworknroll. You'll find him in the cave leading to the Bwork dungeon, in the room just to the left. He could use some help creating his own magical creature. Start by asking him “What is your idea?” to have him explain his plan to you in detail on condition that you provide him with certain resources beforehand.
He will need 5 Goblin Canines, 5 Trooll Bones and 10 Sadida Tuft. The canines are easily obtained in the goblin camp a few cards above. As for the Trooll Bones, you can get them from the Tamed Trooll which is in a ditch in the Bwork village in [-3,12]. It is obtained at a base rate of 50%. Otherwise, the Troollaraj of Litneg Woods have a drop rate of 100%. To obtain them by drop, however, you must have the quest active.
Finally, Sadida's tufts are obtained in the same way as in the quest “The Heroes' Tufts”. You will need to create a Pair of Iron Scissors using 2 Sesame Oil and 5 Iron on the anvil of a level 1 or higher blacksmith. All you have to do is find a Sadida and strip it of its mane. With all the resources in hand, return to Bworknroll in [-5,10] which will give you a new list of resources to bring to him.
Fresh organs
To create his custom creature, he needs some very fresh organs. You will need to bring him 10 Boo Mud, 2 Kanigrou Eye, 1 Vampire Brain and 1 Bworkcelhaine Heart. Start by retrieving the latter by going to the room to the left of Bworknroll where Bworkcelhaine is waiting. Talk to him to start a group fight that will reward you with his heart.
Then, go to the crypts of the Amakna cemetery to hunt a Vampire and recover its brain. The drop rate is 100% for this resource.
Go deliver this new cargo to Bworknroll in
[-5,10] who will not fail to ask you one last thing. You must now bring him 1 Moumoule which drops at a rate of 100% on monsters of the same name on the Sufokian Shore.
When you get it, bring it back to Bworknrroll in
[-5,10] who will embark on the creation of his pet creature.
The quest “Lack of mold” ends during this discussion on Dofus. You can return to other achievement quests “The Goblin Theater” to continue your adventure in this camp.