Preview of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD: get ready for another spooky ghost hunt!

If you have a 3DS at home, you must have experienced the famous Luigi's Mansion 2. More than 10 years after its release, Nintendo made the decision to port this crazy and offbeat production to its beautiful hybrid console, the Switch. Thus, the title changes slightly in name, players will therefore get their hands on Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Goodbye stereoscopic 3D, the developers have smoothed out this adventure to have a clean and flashy rendering of the image. We played it for a few hours, so it's time to tell you about it.

Light, quirky and fun.

First of all, know that we launched Luigi's Mansion 2 HD on a TV (we will test the rendering on the small screen of the Switch later), let's not beat around the bush, yes, it's beautiful, the graphics have been refined and taken care of. Indeed, the firm has improved the textures, modified the modeling of certain characters, and increased the resolution. The result is more than satisfactory, thealiasing completely disappears in the image, it's super clean. In addition, the light effects are a little more vibrant, in short, you will have understood, this ultra colorful portage has something to please the peepers.

Concerning the handling, yes, it has been perfected. And for good reason, we can move our little mustachioed in all directions using the second joystick. This makes it possible to capture a spectrum with a little more ease. However, there is a small downside… It takes time to adapt to mastering the movements of Luigi, since the stick allows it to turn on itself; it is not easy to understand the various angles to catch certain things. The triggers are only dedicated toEctoblast 5000 (the type of vacuum cleaner), a device that can suck up, make invisible objects appear, or even expel a powerful beam of light. In short, everything has been harmonized for our beautiful Nintendo Switch.

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This “new” Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is more than pleasant at first glance. We had a great time rediscovering the Mansion of Despair and the Tour of detours. This adaptation is flashy and delirious. Light, quirky and fun, this production is good after a long, tiring day. And the rest ? We talk about it in our final review, we can't wait to go back!

You can pre-order Luigi's Mansion 2 HD at:

Amazon at €44.49 ;
Fnac at €49.99 ;
Cdiscount at €44.49.
