Prepare for the Arrival of Extremely Rare, Super-Powered Pokémon!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet offers you a new chance to obtain these extremely rare and very powerful legendary free pokemon.

Ready to further expand your Pokemon Scarlet and Violet pokédex? The latest games in the legendary saga will allow you to go in search of unique creatures. Monsters that are generally formidable, which cannot be approached easily, and which are not necessarily common. If you've already completed the base adventure, this shouldn't be a problem for you. However, as usual, they cannot be hunted whenever you want.


Two free rare pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Purple systematically organizes what are called Teracrystal raids. Limited-time events where you can fight very specific creatures, and in the event of victory, place them in your Pokédex. The next raid is approaching and will be available from Friday April 26 at 1:59 a.m. until Monday May 6, 2024 at 1:59 a.m. (French time). And it will bring back memories to players of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet since it marks the return of Watersnake and Irongreen. There is, however, a big difference. This time, it's no longer a 7-star raid, but a 5-star raid. It is therefore a slightly less difficult challenge that awaits you.

These legendary paradox Pokémon are still rare, but also very powerful. Watersnake has a Water Crystal type, while Iron Green has a Psychic type. If you don't have them yet, mark these dates on your calendar. But nevertheless know that there are always the same limits. These creatures from Pokemon Scarlet and Purple can only be obtained once per save. And if you have already collected them during a previous Teracristal raid, same sentence. You will not be able to chase them a second time to catch them, but it is possible to fight them to hope to collect other rewards.

Credits: Nintendo.

How to get Watersnake and Irongreen for free in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet? Firstly, you may know the song, but you have to finish the initial adventure. If you meet this condition, all you have to do is follow the steps below:

  • Launch the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet game on your Switch
  • Then go to the Poké Portal menu
  • Finally select “Receive Poké portal news”

But there is an even simpler method to receive free Pokémon: via mystery codes and gifts. You have time to see it coming, but two creators are currently offered in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. These are Pohmarmotte (level 20) and Poussacha de Liko.


  • Launch Scarlet and Purple on Nintendo Switch
  • Open the Poké Portal menu
  • Choose “Mystery Gifts”, then “Obtain via code”
  • Come in L1K0W1TH906 for Poussacha (until September 30, 2024) and Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 for Pohmarmotte (until February 28, 2025)
