PlayStation manager: “Focus is shifting” – How AI will influence future games

In a recent meeting, selected heads from Sony and the PlayStation division spoke about the technical possibilities that the use of AI brings with it. According to PlayStation manager Asad Qizilbash, AI techniques will lead to a shift in the creative focus of video games in the coming years.

With Ubisoft and Electronic Arts In recent weeks, two leading publishers in the video game industry expressed interest in AI techniques and the way they could optimize game development.


Sony used a recent strategy meeting to present the company's “Creative Entertainment Vision”. The company described its long-term vision and revealed where it wants to be in ten years thanks to today's technological advances.

At the meeting, Asad Qizilbash, head of PlayStation Productions and head of product at PlayStation Studios, asked where he thinks gaming and video game work is headed.

Not surprisingly, Qizilbash highlighted the potential of artificial intelligence. This could enable developers to “create experiences that enable each player to have individual experiences.”

Modern technology promotes emotional experiences

Another area that will benefit from AI and other technological advances, according to the PlayStation manager, is story and character design. “In addition, technological advances will increase the emotional depth of games by allowing characters to be much more emotional and expressive. This promotes more impressive storytelling,” said Qizilbash.


“This will help a whole generation of creators to simply create a lot more emotion in the stories. The focus will shift from graphics or visuals to immersive narratives. These will resonate long after you put down the controller.”

Regarding the individual experiences mentioned at the beginning, the head of PlayStation Productions added: “For example, NPCs in games could interact with players based on their actions, making everything feel more personal. This is important for the younger audience of Generation Z and Generation Alpha.”

“These are the first generations to grow up digitally. They are the ones looking for personalization across the board and more meaningful experiences.”

Naughty Dog wants to break new ground

As part of today's strategy meeting, Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann also had his say. He had the opportunity to talk a little about the studio's goals for its next project. According to Druckmann, the title has the potential to redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming.

It is still unclear when the official unveiling of Naughty Dog's next title can be expected. However, Druckmann emphasized that the developers have big goals with the project in question. According to Druckmann, the studio benefits greatly from the trust that Sony has placed in Naughty Dog when it comes to the creative implementation of the title.

“You have to take risks to find new ideas that appeal to audiences, and although Uncharted was a huge success, it was important for our studio to innovate again with a new franchise like The Last of Us,” Druckmann continued.

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