Pax Dei – Your first minutes! What to collect and craft first? (part 1)

Pax Dei is a complex sandbox MMORPG in terms of crafting and construction possibilities, particularly given the dozens of materials that you will come across from your first minutes in the game. Your inventory being particularly limited, it is better to know what you should target as first objectives and what components are needed. In order, we will become the owner (place your block), craft the first workshop (the block), take care of the storage (craft chests) and craft the basic workshop (Simple Carpenter's Workbench).

You will quickly realize this when you arrive in the game, you will come across tons of collectable items. While they are all useful for one recipe or another, most are not really of any short-term interest. It is therefore best to know from the start what you will need crafter as a priority, and what you will need for that.


As in any survival game, the first priority is to craft yourself a construction hammer (“construction hammer”).Construction hammer“), chopped (“Gneiss stone axis“), wooden spear (“Pointy stick“) and rudimentary shield (“Crude Shield“). To do this, you will need at least 12 branches And two stones. Note that you may miss the craft : the shield in particular might require several attempts. Also note that the very first crafts (those mentioned above) can be done without a workshop, and are therefore done directly through the game menu.


Be careful though, you haven't become overpowered! Indeed, you have no armor, so avoid combat as much as possible with any creature you come across! If you haven't done so yet, equip your spear in the shortcuts: either via keys 1 to 8 (if you have switched to QWERTY), or via a right click in the inventory.

For the next step, which is the basic workbench, you will need a little patience because you do not yet have the level for the crafter. Grab your ax and your courage, and chop wood until your inventory is full: you're going to need it anyway. If you come across mushrooms, take them, they will give you a stamina boost once consumed, because 50 base points is not much to cut down trees…


Then, you will have to put your plot. Find yourself a nice place and equip your hammer. Once equipped, right-clicking will give you access to the construction menu. You will notice four tabs, but in this case you will not be able to place anything because you do not have any land that you own. The first thing to do is to claim your “home” via the first tab! Don't be afraid, you can remove it later, at this stage it's just a matter of progressing a little to equip yourself.


When your ground is laid, your next new best friend is the block. You'll need 10 branches for the crafter. It will allow you to pass a few levels of Lumberjack (“Woodcutting“). I advise you to start with a small stock of wooden dowels (“).Wooden Pegs“): they only consume one wood, and each success will give youxp (100). Once level 2, you can try the short logs (“Rough wood sock shorts“): they are level 3 and consume two woods, but they will always give you 100xp. Finally, at level 3, you can try the blue planks and planks, which are your real goal at this point. Craft a little of both, but mostly planks. Also craft some Long rough wood sock, needed for the draw in the next step. Generally speaking, craft at least one item of each type, as this will unlock tons of recipes for you. By the way, you must have noticed the little clover next to the crafts: the less full it is (see below), the more likely you are to miss.


These blue boards will solve one of your problems! You will finally be able to craft coffers. You don't have much choice at first, and the best choice is Simple Chest. It costs eight blue boards and 20 Wooden pegs. It has ten locations. You will finally be able to empty your inventory.

But your blue boards and planks will mainly be used to craft the first real workbench, namely the Simple Carpenter's Workbench (4 blue planks, 6 blue planks, 20 Wooden Pegs). This workbench is fundamental in the rest of the adventure. On the one hand, you will find the basic tools that you already had in the menu at the very beginning, but this time you will be able to repair them as well. Then, you will discover some new recipes, including the pickaxe which will speed up your collection of stones. And finally, you will be able to progress on the other specialized workbenches, but these have a specificity: you also need an intermediate component linked to the profession, which you can craft on your brand new workbench!


That's it for the overview of the interface of Pax Dei at the time of this Alpha 2. Do not hesitate to read our other articles:
