Pax Dei – The FR community is organized around a Discord server

Since the announcement of Pax Dei a little over a year ago, a Discord channel dedicated to the French language has been in place on the official Discord. But there is another meeting place for future French-speaking Pax Dei players.

In any MMO, the community component has always been extremely important. This should even more be the case for the studio's future title Mainframe which intends to encourage group play and community dynamics around construction, craft and struggles between clans. It should be very difficult (and this is assumed) crafter alone or to build everything. Area-specific resources pvp also require a lot of organization for crafters.


In this context, it is obviously extremely important to have places for exchange and discussion so that the community can come together and coordinate. Discord has become very popular over the years because it combines voice and text. The Discord Pax Dei Official has from the start offered a channel reserved for French speakers. Quite honestly, it's quite difficult to follow because a lot of messages are posted there and, let's be honest, Discord's search possibilities are quite limited when you're looking for specific information.

Today, we would like to introduce you to the (unofficial) Discord of the French-speaking community and we interviewed Dreyk, the creator and admin of this server.

Q. Can you present in two words the philosophy of this community server?

“The French-speaking community server was created by and for the French-speaking community. It is a space for sharing and mutual aid between members of this community. Whether you are French-speaking from Europe, North America or even Asia , you are welcome. This server offers to follow the development of the game, to offer events and seeks to provide as many easy-to-use tools as possible to allow members to find what they need: wiki, guides, videos , tips, clan searches, … In short, if I had to really answer the question, the 2 words would be sharing and mutual aid”


Q.Mbut isn’t there already a FR section on the official discord? What do you think this one brings?

Indeed, there is already a French-speaking part on the server but it is quite limited to my taste. This is a single channel where all the discussions overlap and it can be difficult to follow a topic of discussion. In addition, some people may be more comfortable with their native language when it comes to recruiting new members into their clan (which would itself be French-speaking) or simply asking for help.

We also have a little additional feature, a bonus, a project. The community server plans to establish a French-speaking coalition in the game, between the different clans or even members playing alone, a sort of mega clan where everyone is free to join or not. And this always with the aim of helping each other in the game and joining forces in the face of potential threats, whether they come from the game itself or from other players around the world. This project is of course, like the game, still in the discussion and construction phase and if you are interested and have ideas, if you want to add your stone to the building, do not hesitate to join us and discuss it in the channel provided for this!”

We will have understood: the two Discord servers are undoubtedly complementary. The single but official FR channel offers around ten channels and is structured around projects and sections. While alpha 2 is probably looming next month, the hype is growing around this highly anticipated title from Mainframe studio. Probably a good time to join the community if you haven't already!

To join the unofficial server of the French-speaking community, simply follow this link:

>> Pax Dei FR Server <<

