Opinions on Liam Hemsworth’s Witcher Portrayal are Divided, New Photos Spark Debate

Culture news Liam Hemsworth's Witcher is not really unanimous and these new photos are not in his favor


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More than a year and a half after the announcement of Henry Cavill's departure from The Witcher series, fans are still not ready to accept Liam Hemsworth in the role of Geralt of Rivia, and the photos of him in costume that have surfaced in recent days may not help matters…


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The Witcher fans don't like change

While some are starting to get used to the idea that Henry Cavill will not come back for Superman: Legacy in July 2025, the tension is still palpable in the fan community of the series The Witcher after the announcement of the departure of Cavilland especially its replacement by Liam Hemsworth over a year and a half ago. For many, no one else will be able to take on the role of Geralt of Rivia as did Cavill for the series Netflixand especially not Liam Hemsworthwhich many still associate with Gale Hawthorne of the saga Hunger Games almost ten years after the release of the last film.

However, the filmography of Liam Hemsworth doesn't stop there, and he's starred in a few action films and series since, although most have been critical failures. It is probably for this reason that the backlash received by the actor and by the creators of the series was so virulent, but even The Witcher actors would like fans to give Hemsworth a chance. After all, we haven't yet seen him on screen in this new role, and we are not immune to a surprise… At least in terms of acting, since photos of Liam Hemsworth taken on the set of season 4 of The Witcher have already leaked.

First images that are not unanimous

Difficult to associate Geralt of Rivia to someone other than Cavillbut that's what fans of The Witcher will have to do from now on, since the role now belongs to Liam Hemsworth. Photos of him on the set of the fourth season have surfaced, making the change all the more real. As you can see in the images below, the costume worn by Hemsworth is probably identical to the one worn Henry Cavilland the actors appear to be reenacting a scene that took place during season 3.

In these first photos taken on May 14, 2024, Liam Hemsworth looks a bit like Henry Cavill, an illusion no doubt aided by the makeup and bloodstains. Even if his wig does not seem to be of excellent quality, those worn by Cavill (and by other characters) weren't great either, especially during the third season. However, it's the photos that follow that have fans a little perplexed:

On these, Hemsworth wears the iconic armor of Geralt. Unfortunately, even though the costume is almost identical, it doesn't fit him as well as Cavill, and highlights the differences between the two men. Of course, unless you clone Henry Cavillwe can't expect a perfect copy by employing another actor, but it's these kinds of details that could cause the series to lose fans.

According to the creators, the change in appearance of Geralt will be an integral part of the narrative, and will be in line with the lore. Based on the events of season 3, this could have something to do with the source of the Brokilone forest which allowed Geralt to recover from his injuries, but nothing is less certain. And you, what do you think of Geralt of Rivia's new look? Do you have any theories about the reasons behind his change in appearance on the show?

About The Witcher

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