No Rest for the Wicked: How to Make Money Fast

In No Rest for the Wicked, money is a crucial element of progression. Whether it is to improve your equipment, buy provisions, or develop your home. It is therefore important to know how to quickly earn coins of all types to always have some money aside. In this guide, you can find our best tips for easily raising money in
No Rest for the Wicked.

How to make money in No Rest for the Wicked

There are several ways to get in-game money, but some techniques are a little more effective than others. Of course, as you explore and fight, you will obtain some coins. However, this will never be enough to build a decent nest egg. Unless you never spend money, which would mean sacrificing power and therefore having to slow down your progress. But there is no question of doing that here.


Bounty Hunts and Challenges

Once the town of Sacrament is unlocked, you'll find a whole bunch of characters with missions for you. But above all you can find Captain Randolphe next to the Murmur of the City. The latter offers various services. First of all, it allows you to collect Twitch and pre-order rewards. However, it is the other two options that interest us here. Bounty hunting contracts and challenges.

Both allow you to accept specific missions that reward the player with a few coins and sometimes equipment, resources or blueprints. However, you will need to activate challenges and hunts so that progress is recorded. The challenges are generally quite simple, requiring you to collect a certain number of materials or parry a certain number of blows. It is possible to take all missions at the same time.

For their part, bounty hunts are a little more difficult. Daily missions will require you to defeat a certain number of specific enemies in a corner of the map. But the weekly missions instead require you to deal with very tough monsters. And unlike Challenges, only one Daily and Weekly Bounty Hunt can be active at a time.

Sell ​​what can be sold

Strangely, another effective way to make money in No Rest for the Wicked is the sale. Throughout the adventure, we will accumulate a whole bunch of equipment of all kinds. While some will allow you to extract quite interesting runes, it will not be rare to come across something that you already have. Rather than waste time recovering their runes, it is better to sell them. This also helps avoid destroying them, and therefore losing money unnecessarily.

