No Rest for the Wicked: How to gain experience quickly

In No Rest for the Wicked, gaining experience is central to progressing and improving your attributes. However, you can quickly hit a wall if you want to move forward a little too quickly. From one area to another, monsters can become real threats, and the only solution is to take a few levels. You can find in our guide our best tips for gaining experience quickly in No Rest for the Wicked.

How to gain experience in
No Rest for the Wicked

Of course, to gain experience, you will have to fight. So we would try to simply go to an area and kill the monsters in a loop. And if these prove to be too problematic, try in the previous area. However, both monsters and loot have a respawn time of one hour. Once the area has been cleared, there is no other choice than to wait or confront more powerful monsters. But there is a way to glean experience and loot without having to wait or put yourself in danger.


Building a new Kingdom

Nothing better to ensure a continuous and rapid reappearance than to create a new Kingdom. This system is very practical since it involves starting a game again, but without having to create a new character. We can thus relive the beginning of the adventure, defeat all the monsters and collect all the loot without worrying about the difficulty. And this technique can be done endlessly. To do this, simply return to the main menu.

At present there does not appear to be a Kingdom limit

From here you will have access to the “Continue” button or the “Games” menu. By choosing the second, without creating a new character, you will be able to create a new Kingdom, i.e. a brand new server. Your character will have retained his inventory, his equipment and his progress. With this, you can easily gain experience by killing monsters and making your way back to Sacrament Town. Especially since the first boss, Warrick the Infected, offers a nice amount of experience.

To optimize this, don't forget to sell any unnecessary equipment upstream and store your resources. The inventory being quite limited, while waiting to be able to increase it correctly, you will have to be careful not to overload yourself. You will be able to collect many more materials for your potions, elixirs and food. But also new equipment that you can sell.
