The next title from Sarepta Studio, known for the masterpiece “My Child Lebensborn,” which depicts head-on the growth and upbringing of children born in “Lebensborn,” a concentration camp symbolizing Nazi Aryan supremacy, as well as the discrimination and difficult choices they face, was announced in August 2019, and the official name of the new adventure game “Thalassa: Edge of the Abyss” was announced in April of this year. With its release date of August 1, 2024 approaching, Sarepta Studio and publisher Team17 have released a commentary video for the game, which tells the story of the protagonist “Cam,” a deep-sea diver who explores the sunken ship “Thalassa” and its mysteries, and was a former crew member of the “Thalassa.”
Check out the latest video below, which introduces elements such as the search for the sunken Thalassa, collecting clues such as expedition plans, photos of the crew, and wax cylinder audio recordings, the mystery menu that displays the collected information and uses it as clues for your investigation, and the deductive results and new clues that can be obtained by cleverly combining hints.
Thalassa: Edge of the Abyss
Thalassa is a first-person psychological drama set in 1905. You play as Cam, a diver aboard the Thalassa, who is sailing into unknown seas to salvage an ancient Spanish galleon, unaware that what should have been a wonderful day for history will instead lead to tragedy.
While on vacation to recover from the emotional shock, you learn of the unfortunate fate of the Thalassa. Having lost the crew that sailed with you, you descend to the bottom of the ocean again and, relying on your assistant diver Bailey on the surface, you must search the wreckage of the ship alone to find clues and unravel the story of how the Thalassa sank.
Explore the Thalassa after its tragic end and unravel a tale of self-reflection.
■ A story that traces people's lives and the grief of losing loved ones
This story will reveal the complicated relationships and mixed emotions of the crew members. Each member of the Thalassa crew had their own pain. When we lose a loved one, we continue to live, even though we are hurt in different ways. You will learn how the crew members overcame their grief.
■ Uncovering the truth behind the sinking of the Thalassa
As the only remaining diver, you navigate to the Thalassa, which lies at the bottom of the ocean, and are free to explore the beautiful, deserted ship, gathering clues to discover what happened.
■ Explore the wreckage of the ship
At the bottom of the calm and lonely ocean, you must make your way through the wreckage of a sunken ship, finding useful tools and slowly carving out a path deeper into the ship.