Meet the Speediest Player in Diablo 4, Conquering the Toughest Challenge with His Unique Strategy

Game news He's the fastest player in Diablo 4 on the hardest challenge in the game, and he has a method all his own…


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We are not all equal when it comes to video games. This player is the first champion of this new feature in Diablo 4. He understood very quickly what he had to do!


The Gauntlet, the speedrun dungeon in Diablo 4

The developers had promised it: Diablo IV has the right to regular updates to challenge players a little more. The latest new feature is The Gauntlet dungeon. This is a rather special dungeon to complete in just 8 minutes. The goal ? Optimize your run to kill as many enemies as possible and find yourself at the top of the rankings. Enough to give the most competitive players a taste of speedrunning.

Note that the dungeon resets every week, with new locations for enemies. You will therefore have to retry the experience regularly if you wish to appear in the ranking of all Gauntlet dungeons. A little additional information: all the enemies inside the dungeon are at level 124. This means that it is better to be at level 80, the minimum, to try the experience. And besides the satisfaction of getting a good score, you will also have interesting rewards to collect by completing the dungeon. But of course, for some, the good taste of competition will be enough. On the other hand, be already aware that the latter promises to be tough.

Becoming number 1, a real strategy

He's the fastest player in Diablo 4 on the hardest challenge in the game, and he has a method all his own...

24 hours will have been enough for the player Mekuna rises to the top of the ranking with an excellent score of 1.1M. A few days ago, the player confided some of his little secrets to our colleagues at PC Gaming. Certainly, his wizard class allows him to teleport and quickly move from one enemy to another, but that is not enough to succeed in winning the crown so quickly. For him, the important thing is to think about build as efficient as possible. If some share theirs, Mekuna wishes to keep it secret. For him, building his build constitutes the main interest of this competition. And obviously, he has an innate gift for this. A gift that allowed him to take first place very quickly.

But for Mekuna, that’s not enough! Having barely reached first place, he was already looking to do better. At the house of PC Gamer, he explained that he was aiming for 1.2M: “I think there is always way to improve/optimize.” Mekuna is also particularly fond of challenges of all kinds. This is why he hopes that the developers will make this new dungeon more difficult over time. “It's a little sad to kill all the enemies so easily, but, from a competitive point of view, the casual will probably prefer the current Gauntlet” he explained, a bit pretentiously. Maybe the next Gauntlet dungeon will grant his wish.

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