Massive Revelations for the Upcoming Game by the Makers of Half-Life

Valve is preparing to return to the forefront of the competitive scene with a new game. This one is revealed through new leaks, let's see what it has in store for us.

Famous for Half-Life, but also the Team Fortress and Counter Strike licenses, Valve is a sure value in the video game industry. So, when we know that a new game is in preparation from them, we stay tuned. And indeed, a title has been talked about for several years and a new leak finally reveals concrete content!


Valve returning with multiplayer?

He is the content creator specializing in Vavle productions Gabe Follower who shared the news. The previously known as “Neon Prime” and “Citadel” would now be titled ” Deadlock “. And, from what we understand, it would be a MOBA-type multiplayer title. A rather popular genre recently, with the continued success of League of Legends and the arrival of new representatives, like Pokémon Unite.

@GabeFollower on X | Twitter.

We would therefore be facing clashes in 6v6 in third person view. As in the studio's previous multiplayer games, the playable characters would have special abilities. The gameplay would also offer Tower Defense mechanics, which would add another strategic dimension to the title. Finally, the leaker speaks of a card “ immense », which raises the question of the dynamism of the fighting. It would be divided into four distinct lanes (lanes).

The universe is also revealed. Deadlock would draw on an aesthetic steampunk with touches of fantasy. Gabe Follower compares the game to BioShock Infinite (2013). The first leaked images are not the most explicit in terms of atmosphere, but it gives a small idea of ​​the graphic style. We will note Valve's usual cartoonish paste and we will also spot the floating rails mentioned by the leaker, which would be reminiscent of those present for several seasons in Fortnite to navigate the map.

Finally, note that Tyler McViker, another content creator, got wind of additional information. According to him, Deadlock is currently in the phase ofAlpha testing. Game sales are therefore underway, bringing together hundreds of players, which probably explains this leak. He further explains that even competitive YouTubers would play it, but would be under NDA. It would only be a matter of time before an official announcement.

