Marvel’s Imminent Crash: Madame Web is Critically Panned as One of the Worst Superhero Films

If you like watching everything that comes out of Marvel Studios, you might be looking forward to Madame Web. Unfortunately, the film has already been discovered by several spectators from the press, and the first opinions are catastrophic.

Madame Web has not yet been released and is already struggling to convince

Do you know Madame Web ? If you don’t assiduously follow everything that comes out of Marvel’s mind, maybe not. Superheroine originally created by Denny O’Neil and John Romita Jr in the comics, she is notably part of the universe of Spiderman of which she is an ally. Starting tomorrow, you will be able to discover this character in the cinema thanks to a film adaptation of the same name produced by both Marvel and Sony and directed by SJ Clarkson. We then find some very famous actresses like Dakota Johnson (saga Fifty Shades of grey), Sydney Sweeney (Euphoria), Celeste O’Connor (Ghostbusters: Legacy) And Isabella Merced (Dora and the Lost City), as well as the Franco-Algerian actor Tahar Rahim.


This adaptation of Madame Web will focus on the adventures of Cassandra Web, an ambulance driver who will discover that she is capable of seeing the future under certain conditions. She will then cross paths with three women who will become Spider-Woman And Spider-Girl while they are being stalked by a certain Ezekiel Sims. If you’re already looking forward to discovering this new film, you may have to think twice given the first reviews. Indeed, the press had the opportunity to discover the film recently, and suffice to say that the new film from Marvel and Sony doesn’t really convince.

The curse of Marvel films produced by Sony?

In case you haven’t been following, in addition to expanding in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and via high-quality animated films, the Spider-Man universe is also starting to make its own way in Sony’s hands …even if the character himself has never appeared in the latter yet. For the moment, Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (as it is officially called) includes no less than four films, including Madame Web:

  • Venom
  • Venom: Let There Be Carnage
  • Morbius
  • Madame Web
One of the worst superhero movies. The crash is imminent for Marvel. The film Madame Web is massacred

Soon, this universe will also be expanded by the arrival of Kraven the Hunter which is still scheduled for release in 2024. However, the films that make up this universe struggle to convince and are even among the worst superhero films for many spectators. While some hoped that Madame Web would pick up on the whole thing, the press seems convinced otherwise:

It’s the Cats of superhero movies. Not a single decision seems sane. Not a single performance seems in sync with the material. –Rolling Stone

Madame Web looks more like a long commercial for sodas and a trailer for other related products. – Variety

Madame Web is boring, unimaginative, and dated, despite being one of the few superhero films focused on female superheroes. Ultimately, Madame Web is a superhero film to absolutely avoid. – Screen Rant

You will have understood, the film does not really seem to be the best in its category. As a reminder, it should be released tomorrow Wednesday February 14, 2024 in French cinemas. If you were planning to spend your Valentine’s Day there, maybe there’s still time to think about something else.

