Marvel is beside itself: Star Wars legend Harrison Ford revealed as the new Hulk

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is at an extremely crucial moment. After disappointments and flops, spectacularly successful blockbusters are finally needed again. Only recently did absurd-seeming figures become known about how expensive Marvel films sometimes are to produce. The investments have to be recouped at the box office and Marvel wants to do so accordingly the business of leakers don't let it spoil it.

Pictures from filming were already circulating before official trailers

Hardly a day goes by without some picture of filming in Hollywood leaking. No matter whether Wednesday star Jenna Ortega in the enchanting wedding dress in Beetlejucie 2 or the look of the new Witcher. Marvel is also repeatedly affected by such leaks.


Scenes from the trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine were sometimes anticipated months in advance due to drone footage the fight between the two brawlers documented. Wolverine was using his metal claws unofficially revealed much earlier than in the trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine. Another Marvel film is also affected by leaks. That's what it wants Marvel However, don't let it go any longer.

Star Wars legend Harrison Ford becomes the Red Hulk

Captain America: Brave New World Although it won't be released in cinemas until February 12, 2025, more and more details about the plot are becoming public. The first photos of upcoming Marvel toys in McDonald's Happy Meal revealed a first look at Red Hulk.

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With Harrison Ford taking on the role of Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross in the MCU, it seems clear that the Star Wars legend will transform into the Red Hulk. The fact that this has already reached a broad public seems Marvel to stink a lot.

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Meanwhile, the legal department of the Disney subsidiary has filed a request to reveal the identity of the leaker CanWeGetSomeToast to reveal. As well as on X (Twitter) as well as on Instagram This person regularly posts leaks about Hollywood topics, but especially Marvel. If a possible lawsuit in this case is successful and has high financial consequences, other leakers will also feel deterred.

Source: Comic Book Movie
