Many Starfield players are excited because the latest patch catapults their FPS

The latest Starfield update is giving some players a big FPS boost.

The latest Starfield update is giving some players a big FPS boost.


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After a beta phase, an update was released for Starfield on Tuesday that included some fixes the latest version of AMD's upscaling technology FSR 3 integrated into the role play. Some players are now reporting massive performance increases after installing the update.

Frame generation ensures better performance

Reported on Reddit OkPain2022 from his experience with the update:

It's an absolute game changer for me. Even though I have an aging RX 5700XT, the FPS in New Atlantis went from 40 to 90. The performance jump is monumental.

The picture is surprisingly good, you would only sometimes notice slightly blurry edges. What is noteworthy is that the strong FPS increase is also noticeable in urban areas, as performance suffers the most here in Starfield. Other players also report similar results.

The frame generation contained in FSR 3 is probably also responsible for the big leap. This is the name of the technology that inserts an AI-generated image between every frame created by the CPU and graphics card. A doubling of the FPS is not unusualwhile simple upscaling methods don't produce quite as impressive results, as seen in this video:

This important Starfield update comes too late for many: Performance comparison with Nvidia's DLSS
This important Starfield update comes too late for many: Performance comparison with Nvidia's DLSS

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This important Starfield update comes too late for many: Performance comparison with Nvidia's DLSS

Has an extremely annoying bug disappeared?

There is also another exciting innovation in the small update. The patch notes, which you can find in full on page two, say:

Changed the way FormIDs are released when loading saves. This should improve the stability of saves where many locations have been visited.

For some time now, a serious bug has been able to destroy saves for characters that you have already played with for several hundred hours. The change listed above should solve the problem, or at least make it less common.

In fact, some players report on Redditthat the previously occurring crashes have now disappeared. It is still unclear whether this applies to all affected save games.

While the last updates for Starfield mainly brought bug fixes as well as graphics and performance improvements, many fans are still waiting for other innovations such as the promised city maps, mod support or survival settings.

The next patch shouldn't take too long to arrive, as the developers had promised regular updates from February 2024.
