Manufacturer is vague about the price rumors about GTA 6

There is still no concrete statement about the price of GTA 6.

There is still no concrete statement about the price of GTA 6.


If everything works out, GTA 6 will be released in autumn 2025 – at least the console version. Publisher Take-Two recently announced this in its new financial report. But while rumors about a possible postponement of the release are now off the table (for now), there is still discussion about the possible price of the gangster epic.

Rumors arose as early as autumn 2023, according to which GTA 6 could possibly cost 150 US dollars, the equivalent of just under 138 euros. Take-Two has not yet commented on this. Until now. Because now there was a first statement – which, however, leaves room for interpretation.

Question about the pricing of the GTA series

This was how Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two, said during the presentation of the financial report the pricing of the GTA series and the publisher's entire portfolio. His answer was:

More content is being made available all the time and we are truly committed to providing great value at all times. We focus so much on delivering more value than we ask for. And that is the criterion at issue.


It goes on to say:

And every time we set a price, we want to make sure that it's good news for the consumer, that the experience is well above average relative to the cost. That is the goal.

What sets the GTA series apart and what the upcoming GTA could do better is explained for you in this video:

GTA needs to change
GTA needs to change

Start video


GTA needs to change

No concrete information yet

What exactly this means for GTA 6 is not clear from the answer. However, Take-Two was one of the first publishers to increase the prices for at least its console games to 80 euros at the end of 2022.

And Strauss Zelnick's current statement is essentially not new. At an investor conference at the end of 2023, the Take-Two boss said that games would have to be priced according to their scope. At that time, Zelnick spoke of a certain value per hour that players should be paid.

Zelnick also presented made the claim last yearthe company has not received any negative reactions (pushback) from customers to its decision to increase the prices of games.

Whether these are signs that the price for GTA 6 is rising remains mere speculation at this point. It remains to be seen whether there will be more information about the game later this year.
