Manor Lords: Dive into livestock trading and ranch management

In Manor Lords you can engage in livestock trading, among many other activities. In this guide you will find out how to trade livestock at the market, how to breed livestock and how to assign permanent livestock guardians to companies.

Buy and sell livestock

There are basically several ways to buy livestock in Manor Lords. For example, you can order additional oxen directly via the tie bar and then just have to wait until the dealer brings the animal to you. However, not only can this take a lot of time, in this particular case you are also limited to buying oxen.


If you want to get a better overview, regulate the population of all your animals or herd sheep, you need one Establish livestock trading posts. Under the “Trade” tab in the livestock trading post you can find all animals, view the current inventory and check the export and import prices.

If you want to buy livestock, click on the “No Trade” button and select “Import”. Then select the desired excess using the plus and minus signs. The assigned family will now buy livestock from the trader until the desired number is reached. However, if you choose export, the livestock will always be sold if it exceeds the desired surplus.

Important: Before you buy livestock, you should first make sure that you have enough space. You can see this using the horseshoe symbol at the top of the screen. Oxen, horses and pack mules require stable space, while sheep and lambs require pasture space.

Each type of animal serves a different purpose in Manor Lords. In the following table you will find out in which building the cattle are housed in Manor Lords and what function they fulfill.


AnimalsBuildingfunctionOxenTethering beamsTransport raw materials within the region.HorsesTrading postsTransport goods to a trader.Pack donkeyPacking stationTransport goods between your regions.SheepPastureThey are relieved of their wool by sheep farming.LambsPastureGrow up and then give away wool.

Raise livestock

Livestock breeding is currently (version 0.7.955) limited to sheep and lambs. Once you have acquired some sheep through the trading post and assigned them to a pasture, you have already completed the most difficult part of raising animals.

However, the sheep do not reproduce on their own. Instead, you must Unlock “Sheep Breeding” in the development menu, which allows sheep to reproduce slowly. As soon as a sheep reproduces, it first produces a lamb. The more sheep you have on the pasture, the faster the reproduction will take place.

Assign permanent livestock guardian

Normally, pack animals in Manor Lords are used by everyone as soon as they are needed. However, this can result in the transport of important goods being delayed because all animals are already assigned to a task.

Certain businesses (such as the saw pit or the lumber camp) therefore allow you to do this Assignment of a permanent livestock guardian. To do this, click on “Advanced” in the information window and assign a cattle guard here. This locks a beast of burden from all activities that are not for the assigned building.
