Lysfanga: The Time Shift Warrior – Tactical Hack N' Slash is available on Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Switch

Developed by the independent studio Sand Door and published by a somewhat unknown studio called Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls), Lysfanga: The Time Shift Warrior is now available on Nintendo Switch. Currently on promotion at the price of €19.99 until May 21, 2024, we let you discover the trailer for the game below.

After 500 years of peace, a new danger threatens Antala. Her fate is in your hands, Imë, Lysfanga of the new Kingdom, protector of this world. Ancient cities, once trapped in time, have been freed. Evil beings have escaped and are endangering the peace of the kingdom.

But you won't fight alone. The goddess of Time herself has transmitted her temporal powers to you. A gift that no other Lysfanga has possessed before you. You therefore have the power to go back in time during a fight and call in clones from your past to help you. Use your powers to create an army large enough to wipe out the hordes of demons, called Raxes.

Thanks to your army of clones from the past, cross the ancient cities to enrich your arsenal and master new spells in order to prepare yourself against the threat that awaits you…


Use Imë's divine powers to go back in time a few seconds and gather the clones of her past, the “afterglows”, to create an army and defeat your enemies.


Put your knowledge and skills to the test to surpass yourself. Master all arenas by replaying them to beat your records. Push your limits by changing difficulty settings and adding combat modifiers to unlock rewards.


Each arena can be played in a variety of ways. Adapt your strategy and use the tools at your disposal to win the fight. Your victory will depend on the combination of afterglows, spells and weapons used.


The time traps have been destroyed. The Raxes can once again create chaos. Explore the abandoned cities of the old continent once trapped in time and discover the truth about the resurgence of the Raxes.
