Lost Sectors Legend and Master at Biocoop Les Gatobio – Next Stage

Exploring the Legendary and Master Lost Sectors is an exciting quest for all Guardians aspiring to obtain exotic gear and unique legendary weapons. In this quest, the Les Gatobio Biocoop proves to be a crucial step. This article walks you through the requirements to unlock these challenges, the potential rewards, and essential information for navigating these perilous missions.

Required to access Legendary and Master Lost Sectors

To cross the threshold into the Legendary and Master Lost Sectors, each Guardian must first reach a minimum Power level of 1750. This condition applies strictly, preventing any access to players below this mark. Once this power barrier has been crossed, it is imperative to complete the Lost Sector in its normal version before venturing into its more difficult iterations.


The real appeal of these upgraded versions of the Lost Sectors lies in their potential to award exotic armor. It should be noted that although the chance of obtaining these pieces of armor is entirely subject to chance (RNG), exotic armor not owned by the player is prioritized. Thus, each solo Guardian facing these challenges has a significant opportunity to improve their arsenal.

Exotic Armor and Lost Sector Locations

The Lost Sectors are spread across DLC zones, each hosting their own set of exotic armor accessible only through these high-level missions. For example, “The Witch Queen” zone features Lost Sectors in Savathun's Throne world, offering pieces like the Gloves of Osmiomancy or Lorely's Helm of Splendor for those who triumph solo in these legendary challenges or of master.

Likewise, “Lightfall” on Neomuna and “Beyond Light” on Europa have their own collections of exotic armor, making each Lost Sector unique not only in its gameplay but also in the rewards offered. Among these treasures, we can find the Facies of Cyrtarachne for Hunters or the Mantle of Harmonic Battle for Warlocks, adding a layer of strategy in the quest for the desired armor.

Rotation schedule and drop chance

The Lost Sectors rotation schedule changes regularly, offering a new treasure hunting opportunity every day. Guardians can face different challenges depending on the day, each promising potential drops of exotic armor and legendaries for those who venture solo. The likelihood of receiving these rewards varies; Legendary Sectors have a 70% drop chance, while Master Sectors virtually guarantee a drop rate of 100%, provided no champion is spared.


This system not only encourages repeating Lost Sectors to maximize the chances of obtaining the desired equipment but also allows players to strategically plan their expeditions based on the rotation schedule.

Finally, maximize your potential

The Legendary and Master Lost Sectors represent a considerable challenge but also a golden opportunity for Guardians to strengthen their power. With the right preparation and a thorough understanding of Sector mechanics, rewards, and rotation, players can effectively maximize their potential, acquire exotic and legendary gear, and prepare for the biggest battles. Take note of the requirements, put a solid strategy in place, and dive into the world of the Lost Sectors to discover what destiny has in store for you.
