Lords of the Fallen Letsplay 35 – Video


In the penultimate episode, Hagen fights a boss fight right at the start and then approaches the tempting red beam of light.


This letsplay is crowdfunded by our community. If you want to get involved, just scroll down.

Hagen had a great desire to face the dangers that existed in the attractive Soulslike, which was equipped with some interesting ideas Lords of the Fallen lurk and thanks to your support the journey can really get started. With his shield raised and a firm hand on the spear of his starting class, Mournstead Infantry, he ventures further into the dangerous world.

We're still at the very beginning of the first season and Hagen is playing blind, so he doesn't know what to expect. Although he has already heard some disturbing rumors about the game's first boss. If you have any tips, feel free to share them in the comments, and Hagen himself will probably ask some questions out loud. But please don't reveal too much so that you can all see how Hagen lets himself be surprised.

In the second season, Hagen fought his way down a steep wall into the lair of a huge beast and from there through a poisonous swamp full of unfriendly fighters from the Shuja people who like to collect the heads of their victims. Finally,haben defeated the Silent Saint (aka “Stummi, the Hesse”), the first guardian of the five rays of heaven to be purified. In the third season he is now standing in Fitzroy's gorge, which takes him even deeper into the world. On the other hand, he has the key to an ominous snowy area in his pocket, which is also said to contain one of the five main targets.

About Lords of the Fallen
The best games in the style of Dark Souls are those who give the familiar principle a new twist. In Lords of the Fallen the central trick is that it two levels of reality there: The regular reality (Axiom) and the world of the dead (Umbral). With the help of a magic lamp you can make the changes in the other world visible at any time or switch completely to Umbral. The developers use this not only to make exploring the world more interesting, but also for other effects. An example: If Hagen's life points drop to 0, he “only” ends up in the world of the dead (but there he is not safe from danger, quite the opposite).


Also nice: Both worlds look appealing. Thanks to the detailed graphics based on Unreal Engine 5 and our powerful PC hardware, Hagen often stops to admire the scenery in episode 0. The fights also make a good impression in terms of game mechanics and Hagen actually does quite well.

The crowdfunding
  • The Letsplay is freely available, but is based on crowdfunding.
  • Every donor receives (at least) one hand-pixelated by Hagen Medal that obviously(!) shows the Umbral Lamp, which appears prominently in the game. You can see all medal types in the promotion box below. Clicking on the medal will redirect you to Paypal to put the corresponding amount into the hat (no Paypal account required if paying with debit or credit card). Support via bank transfer is also possible.
  • If at the end of a season of ten episodes the financing of the next one is available, things continue at full speed, otherwise the letsplay slowly comes to an end, but all episodes financed up to that point appear.
  • Hagen plays around 30 minutes per episode and the gross fee is 100 euros

A special thank you to the supporters who make the Letsplay possible. And now everyone enjoy Hagen's adventures in Mournstead!

Action: Lords of the Fallen



Episodes 21-30 (27-30 live)

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Click on one of the medals to pay via PayPal (credit, direct debit or credit card). GGG (what is that?) are awarded per medal: for 5 euros 100 GGG, 10 euros 200 GGG, 25 euros 500 GGG, 50 euros 1000 GGG, 100 euros 2000 GGG. For registration click here.

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“Lords of the Fallen, xy” (xy = user ID or exact user name) is sufficient as the transfer purpose. You can buy several medals with one transfer, for example 40 euros for the first three.
