Locating and Extracting Obsidian Hades 2: A Guide

News tip Obsidian Hades 2: where to find this resource and how to harvest it?


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In Hades 2, you will need to collect a number of different resources to unlock new items. Among them, we find Obsidian which could well cause you some problems. We will explain everything to you.


Summary of the Hades II walkthrough


  • What is Obsidian used for in Hades 2?
  • Where to find Obsidian in Hades 2?

What is Obsidian used for in Hades 2?

You won't have to play for long Hades II only to realize that you may have to farm a large number of different resources. Plants, minerals, ashes, psyche… There is plenty to do to have a full bag in the sequel to the best independent game of 2020. Among the resources that you will be asked for fairly quickly in the game, you will find Obsidian in particular.

Indeed, if you want to unlock all the weapons and improve all your tools in Hades II, you will have no other choice than to collect a certain number of Obsidian. For example, you will need it to be able to unlock the Silver Skull (2 Obsidian and 1 Bronze), but also to improve your Lunar Pickaxe (6 Obsidian and 4 Iron) and thus ensure that 4 resources are mined instead of 3 on each ore vein. Additionally, Obsidian is also useful for unlocking the Aspect of Artemis (Blades Sisters) And the Aspect of Thanatos (Selenite Axe)as well as to improve some Tarot Cards.

Where to find Obsidian in Hades 2?

Unlike bronze and iron which can only be found on the Surface,Obsidian is one of the resources available from the first part of the game. However, it will not necessarily be easy to find since it is hidden in the vast expanses of the Fields of Weepingthe third floor of Hades. Here, you will have to keep your eyes peeled to spot the Obsidian deposits in the form of black and shiny peak-shaped rocks.

Note that if you want to make sure you find as many as possible, we advise you to equip yourself with the Lunar Pickaxe to increase the spawn rate of deposits. Knowing that the Fields of Weeping are particularly large, we also advise you to perform the incantation Sixth Sense (which you have probably already done) to detect resources at the end of each fight. Once done, wait for the white thread to appear at the end of a fight before moving on to the next area.

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