Larian Studios: After Baldur's Gate III: Two new games in the works!

After the huge success with Baldur's Gate III, the developers at Larian Studios have turned their attention to the future: The studio even has two new titles in the works!


We already reported on the current community contribution from Larian Studios, in which they primarily announce patch 7 for Baldur's Gate III, which will also bring the longed-for mod tools for the role-playing epic. In addition, the developers also take a look into the future – and it is quite something.

By the way, Larian Studios confirmed at the end of the entry that they are currently working on two new games: “As an independent studio since 1996, we value the freedom to follow our creativity wherever it takes us. In this case After six years in the Forgotten Realms and after much discussion, we have decided to take the opportunity to develop our own IPs. We are currently working on two new projects and we couldn't be more excited about what the future holds for us. “

Both games are still at an early stage and more specific details will only be announced at a later date. Even though Larian is now trying to create its own game brands away from D&D and the like, its ambitions have not diminished, as another statement makes clear: “I can't yet say for sure whether we will succeed, but if I look at our narrative , visual and gameplay plans, I think what we're working on is going to be our best work yet. I'm as excited as a child when I look at the first images and I want to show it to you right away, but I grumble in frustration “I have to wait for it to work. Yes, it's hype, but it's hype because it looks and feels really good.”


Larian Studios had previously confirmed that they would not be developing any major story DLC for Baldur's Gate III or a Baldur's Gate IV. Separately, rights holder Hasbro wants to continue Baldur's Gate with a new development partner.

Baldur's Gate III – TGA 2023 Xbox Release Trailer

The RPG epic Baldur's Gate III is now also available for the Xbox.
