Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (complete solution) – General tips & tricks, saving in KCD2, repairing equipment in KCD2, find hangover, saddlebags in KCD2 – Guide


Our detailed guide to the new Middle Ages RPG of the Warhorse Studios not only helps you with practical tips when entering the rough knight life, but also leads you in detail to the end of the story.

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Already the predecessor of Kingdom Come – Deliverance 2 It was quite a chunk of role play. Part 2 has now grown significantly again: For the Mainquest alone, you can plan about as much time as for the debut and its secondary missions. The quests for Heinrich von Skalitz do not take you by the hand, so if you should hang up, help you this complete solution – from the prologue to the final.

Instead, you are looking for tricks to find more easily into play? Regardless of whether you arrive directly with KCD 2 or, as veterans of the first Kingdom Come Deliverance, need a refreshment: With the tips on this first page of the guides, you ride well prepared into the battle! From page 2 it starts with the complete solution.

General tips and tricks

  • Save: Also in Kingdom Come – Deliverance 2 can you Save manually only with rescuer schnapps (And not while fighting). You buy rescuer schnapps for expensive money in the tavern or (the better option) brews it even at the alchemy table from nettles and toll cherries. Besides that The game automatically savesif you pay for the services of a bath house or sleep in a bed – in addition to your own mattress, one also does one in the inn (your room in inns is always with a green herb wreath over the door). But even hardworking alchemists can go out. If you want to avoid risks Also use the “Save and end” option In the main menu-it even works in quest instances. This loses a little time by recharging the score, but if something goes huge, you don't lose much progress. Attention: There is only one slot that you overwrite with everyone “save and end”.
  • Health: So that Heinrich can draw from the full, you have to keep it. Ensures that his Seastation and its energy never fall under 50. Against the former Eatgiven the latter Sleep and to a certain extent alcohol (But don't exaggerate it, otherwise Heinrich storms). Pay attention to The durability of every meal. When the digits of the “freshness” become red, food poisoning is inevitable. In the beginning you need food and drink very often. Activates the perk “Asket” as early as possible With a skill point (in the character menu: rider “player” → “values” → “vitality”), that will save you some nerves.
  • Bleeding wounds and injuries: Are you saturated Sleep is the most effective method for regeneration of hit points. You have to supply injuries or even bleeding wounds so that they heal. To stop bleeding Your associations need in large numbers. Wounds heal the fastest with suitable potions, but much cheaper is The supply of wounds in the bath house.
  • Money: To get really many coins quickly, is hardly possible in KCD2. One of the fastest way to fill your wallet is Gambling, especially dice. The minimum insert at the beginning of the game is 10 groschen. If you have more, you can also play for higher sums. Use the “Save and end” function before each match so that you can try it again after lost rounds without loss. Since each NPC has a limited number of pennies, simply plays against every dice player. You always find at least one in a pub.
  • Talk to everyone: In Kingdom Come – Deliverance 2 there is a huge number of responsive NPCs. Whenever you visit a gift or a village, you should still address every NPC with names and take a look at the inventory of every dealer. You never know what information or goods the character has ready for you. Maybe he even has a small task for you (these characters are usually marked with a symbol).
  • Plump bags thanks to trade and economy: As is well known, small cattle also make crap and also leads to the goal in KCD2. So do not be afraid to go to a dealer to sell umpteen -existing stuff and junk for spilling amounts. Everything adds up over time and so you usually have 100 groschen more in your pocket again faster than you may think at first. Always use the “Feilschen” function when buying and selling goodsThis is also noticeable over time in the wallet. In this way You also improve your skills And automatically gets an ever better feeling for how you act up the dealers when selling or Press the price of both purchases and repairs.
  • Pay attention to your equipment: By using and especially in combat, your equipment breaks at some point and will also quickly become ineffective when it comes to damage. So have your equipment repaired regularly and clean in the bathhousebecause dirt and blood splash tend to have an impact on your disadvantage. Also choose armor and weapons wisely. Maximum protection is not necessarily betterbecause it also increases your endurance consumption and restricts your mobility. If you want to sneak, you are also disadvantageous with metal on your body. So it is best to find a good balance.
  • Belt, saddlebag and bag: Heinrich can drag something later, but is overloaded relatively quickly in the first few hours of play – especially if The maximum wearing load is further reduced by injuries. As soon as you have a horse, you can also buy a saddle bag and have your Gaul dragged a lot. You need a belt to to create more than one weapon. The best will give you up to four gun slots. You should also attach a bag in which you stowed food and potions, for example. You can also use what lies in the bag in the middle of the fight. This can decide on life and death in dangerous situations.
  • Stays patient, (almost) everything you get over time: In Kingdom Come – Deliverance 2 it sometimes takes some time, but sooner or later you will get access to anywhere that you need. The first own horse You can easily get the prologue in the second big storyquest. Also You don't have to buy a bow, a crossbow or a firearmbut gets it given as part of quests or may lose it to a defeated opponent. Better save yourself the money instead of buying such things prematurely.

Tips for character development

The medieval RPG does not make any regulations on how to develop your Heinrich. You yourself determine yourself which types of weapons you focus on which armor types you wear or whether you use talents, how to play the thieves of the castle and pickpock theft. Your playing style will not lead you to dead ends, so develop Heinrich as you think it is right. These tips will also help you on your way:

  • Learning by doing: Similar to in The Elder Scrolls Increase attributes through practical use: Those who run a lot improve their constitution, whoever sneaks a lot increases their secretity. You can also increase fist and sword fights or speeches in this way.
  • Perks Values ​​Specialization on: Take a regular look at the character screen and check which perks are ready to be activated. Something is happening more often than you think. The advantages include New commands for your dog Köter. But think thoroughly and only actively activate perks beforehand that really seem sensible to you. Once activated, you can no longer undo the selection.
  • Textbooks and teachers: In the course of the adventure you will meet NPCs that can teach you something. This sometimes costs a lot of money, which is why you may only be able to use their services later. Precisely because you may only meet the most important teachers for you later: be reserved with your investments. War decisive is almost nothing that the teachers can teach you, even if new knowledge of combat teachers should make individual situations minimally easier.

Tips on the fights

  • Use the AI ​​companion specifically to your advantage: From time to time Kingdom Come – Deliverance 2 forces you to fight your own, but mostly there are several computer -controlled companions on your side. Use the AI ​​helpers to your advantage wherever possible: An ally NPC is just involved in a fight, then then falls into the back of the opponent. That makes almost every fight much easier!
  • Learn the basics, new combos and tricks as early as possible: You meet the beggar Bara in Troskowitz immediately after the prologue. She tells you of a character named Kater and his location in the nomadic warehouse. Completed the training sessions at Kater as early as possible. Especially the second part with the Masterful blow is extremely helpful because you can counter enemy blows directly. As a prerequisite for this, however, you need a cuirass or similar armor and Kater must also defeat in the training fightso that he teaches you the blow.
  • Use alternative strategies: The open fight is almost always more difficult to take action than secretly, especially since a scramble makes noise and calls other opponents on the scene. Wherever possible Use stealth kills and/or narcotics as an alternative. You have the best chances at night as you opponent sleeping in bed Caps passing out without further aids or meals quietly and quietly. For the latter, however, you need a dagger that you must have created in the weapons menu.
  • Do not take every pyrrhous victory and do not let yourself be frustrated: Especially the bigger ones Skirmishes run dynamically AB, so it can be completely different every time. If you fail within seconds because your colleagues die quickly, even if it happens in a row in several attempts, do not throw the shotgun into the grain. The fifth or sixth attempt can be strong again in your favor. When you just won and Now there is stupid – bleeding, seriously injured, with badly damaged equipment – it is worth loading the last game in case of doubt (think of “saving and end”). Restoring you after a poorly run is often more complex than repeating the scene.
Whenever AI Mitstrider fights on your side and that is often the case) that takes advantage of it by attacking the enemies that are already busy with companions. You can switch them off without much resistance.