Kingdom Come 2 is going to be SO important

Kingdom Come 2 is going to be SO important - luckily we know more!

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Kingdom Come 2 is going to be SO important – luckily we know more!

The war horse is out of the bag. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is coming! And it's going to be huge. Fans of the Middle Ages, role-playing games and games where you can throw crap at your neighbors' walls come together in harmony to dance with joy, because we've been waiting for this news for so long.

And we here at GameStar have been waiting for a while to finally be able to talk to you about it, because with Dimi, we had a representative from all three categories mentioned on site in Prague when Kingdom Come 2 was revealed and have so much wonderful exclusive background information for you who finally have to get out!


So Géraldine has gathered secret keeper Dimi and medieval game luminary Fabiano to talk about Kingdom Come 2: The two (!) new open worlds, the interactivity, the innovations in battles etc. and why success is now so mercilessly important for Warhorse .

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Dimi also shares his experience in Prague, where he was there live when Kingdom Come 2 was first revealed to developers and publishers. He accompanied the actor from Heinrich in a recording session and even played Kingdom Come 2!

Fabiano reacts to the information live and unfiltered in the talk, because he is hearing it with you for the first time – after he was at home in part 1. As the voice of the people, he asks the burning questions and classifies which innovations correspond to our wishes.

You can see this and more in the video above, or listen to it in the podcast here:

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