Junon’s Parade in FF7 Rebirth: Infantry Unit Positions and Optimal Formation for Pleasing Rufus

News tip Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation… How to satisfy Rufus?


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When you arrive at Juno in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you will need to participate in the Parade to obtain the Presidential Prize. But in case you didn't know, you can also get another prize, and even two exclusive trophies if you collect all the units and succeed in the most difficult performances. We'll explain how to do it!


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  • Where to find all 10 units in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
  • Location of the 10 units of the 7th Infantry Company
  • Which formation to choose for the Parade?

Where to find all 10 units in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

During the Chapter 4 of Final Fantasy VII Rebirthyou will have to infiltrate Juno. To do this, you must wear uniforms SOLDIER and participate in the Parade. But before you can perform the Shinra choreographies to perfection, you must first find the 10 units of the 7th Infantry Company which are scattered throughout the city. You can completely stop looking after you find 5 units, but you will struggle to get a good score without the 5 extra units. To spot them, pay attention to the armbands they wear. If they are red, you must recruit them. Without further ado, here is where to find the 10 units of the 7th Infantry Company in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

Location of the 10 units of the 7th Infantry Company

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit on the ground floor of the “Full Arsenal” Armory.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit on the main street, at the sign with the image of Rufus.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit in the Boutique “Cecilia's on the main street.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit at 2nd floor of the Shopping Center.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit in Junon-South Branch Warehouse (in the basement of the building north of the hostel).

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit on the docks from the main avenue.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit inside the bar “Smile” which is on the upper level of the main street.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit inside the bar “The Glaberscent” where you will see Harsh enter.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

You will find this unit in the Meeting room of the Junon-Sud Barracks.

Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?Junon's Parade FF7 Rebirth: Positions of infantry units, Optimal formation... How to satisfy Rufus?

And finally, you will find this unit in the Briefing room of the Junon-Sud Barracks. If you gather the 10 unitsyou will get the trophy Great unifier of the 7th.

Summary of the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth walkthrough

Which formation to choose for the Parade?

Once the 10 units gathered, you will be able to participate in the Parade. To do this, you will first need to choose a trainingand its composition will influence not only the difficulty of the choreographies, but also the score you will obtain at the end, and by extension the trophy. Indeed, the only way to obtain the trophy Star of the parade is to obtain a score higher than 100,000which can only be achieved by choosing (and succeeding in) difficult performances.

As a general rule, choosing units with similar roles will lower the difficulty of the performances, and therefore the number of points received. But if you choose a maximum of different units, the difficulty of the performances will increase, and you will have the opportunity to get more points. Unfortunately, this also means that you will be more likely to make mistakes, because the pace will be more sustained.

If you want to attempt the most difficult performances to get the trophy Star of the paradeyou must choose a training course composed of 2 units of Grenadiers, 2 units of Riot GuardsAnd 1 unit of Pyrotechnic Guards. In other words, it is better not to select a unit of Guards.

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