パッチ 13.24b のリーグ・オブ・レジェンドジャングル Tier リスト

必要なパッチ 13.24b の唯一のジャングル Tier リスト。

Playing Jungle in LoL has several benefits, especially for resource allocation. The experience points and golds you collect from jungling go towards fortifying your team’s top and mid-lane champions for the ultimate win!


Given how crucial jungling is in LoL, it’s best to learn which champions are best suited for the task. Knowing which champion is the strongest for your game can improve your matches’ win rates in no time.

The Tier List below for Patch 13.24b has champions ranging from god-tier powerful to ban-worthy picks.

Let’s check it out!

Jungle tier list for Patch 13.24b

With this LoL Tier List, you can quickly gauge which champions to pick for efficient jungling and which ones to ignore or avoid unless necessary.


This list is made considering each champion’s buffs and nerfs from Patch 13.24b, win rates, and pick rates.

The best of the best belong to the S+ and S tiers, as they have high win rates, great jungle paths, and excel in most matchups. Tier A champions are relatively weaker but still pack a punch.

B-tier champions have moderate success at best but might work wonders if the team composition is good. When it comes to the champions in the C and D tiers, it’s best to keep them at arm’s distance if you want to climb.

Best LoL junglers

Rammus (S+)

Rammus is by far the best Jungler in LoL Patch 13.24b. His Powerball ability lets him travel to jungle camps, killing neutral monsters and securing sufficient gold and experience in no time.

He also holds one of the best early-game ganking combos, as his flash taunt is deadly. This combo is very effective in early-game ganks and can secure you or your teammates some easy kills.

Rammus also has the best current win rate among Junglers at 51.74%. Its popular combo, Flash+Soaring Slam Slam, while using Powerball, lets Rammus knock up enemy champions while also dealing high damage.

All in all, Rammus is a force to be reckoned with.

Ivern (S)

Ivern is one of the best support junglers and is a beginner-friendly champion, making him great for players who are learning the jungle role. This Jungler doesn’t damage enemies by himself as he has help from its Sentinel friend, Daisy, who perfectly syncs with Ivern’s skillset.

It’s crucial to plan out your Jungling path while playing as Ivern, as it can vary a lot depending on your opponent, and he is very susceptible to early invades. Once Ivern reaches level 6, he can summon Daisy to help him gank, utilizing combo skills that slow and damage enemies to get easy kills.

Not to forget, Ivern Brushmaker skill lets his attack deal bonus damage while he is standing on the self-created bush. It works wonders for Ivern while taking down neutral enemy monsters such as Baron, Herald, and Dragon, and is also great in skirmishes and teamfights.


As a jungler, Ivern comes with helpful skills like Triggerseed which creates a shield over a chosen ally that explodes after a while to slow down and damage a nearby enemy. Additionally, his Rootcaller ability summons a vine that roots and damages enemies, while also allowing allies to dash to that enemy’s location.

With his 52.63% win rate, Ivern is a useful and friendly Jungler to have on your team.

Rek’Sai, The Void Burrower (A)

Rek’sai is a sneaky jungler and is a fun champion to try out for first-time Jungle players. It can hide its animations, making each attack unpredictable for the enemies.

One of Rek’sai’s best skills is Queen’s Wraith, which allows her to burrow herself deep into the ground and gain move speed. While she’s burrowed, Rek’sai launches a void-charged projectile, which damages and reveals hidden enemy locations.

This skill also lets her next 3 attacks dish out bonus physical damage. It’s best used with her auto attack, which cancels out the attack animations.

When she has max fury, Rek’sai’s Furious Bite deals true and double damage, finishing off neutral enemies in no time. Additionally, her Void Rush instantly places her into an enemy, making her untargetable to stuns and damage.

With a 51.80% win rate, Rek’sai is a good choice if you are trying to climb.

Gwen (B)

Gwen is an alright Jungler, but only for those who know how to combo off her skills timely. Her passive stacks earn her enough power to take down neutral Jungle enemies and big bosses, while her AoE skills come in handy to complete the jungle quickly.


Gwen’s win rate is 50.24% due to her high damage, increased movement speed, and temporary invisibility. Her Snip Snip skill lets her deal a strong attack, where she snips her scissors up to 6 times, dealing massive magical damage.

With Hallowed Mist, she can become untargetable, while Skin ‘n Slash allows her to dash nearby, and gain attack speed, magic damage, and range on hitting an enemy.

Diana (C)

Diana is a powerful Jungler but needs a specific build to be a viable pick. She has a fast jungle clear, mainly because of her passive, Moonsilver Blade, which deals additional magic damage to targets and raises her attack speed for the next 3 hits.

Her AoE combo, Crescent Strike+Lunar Rush+Pale cascade, deals a lot of damage while it also Knockups enemies. When well executed, this combo can win you a teamfight on its own.

Screcent Strike deals lunar energy magic damage afflicting them with Moonlight. Next, Lunar Rush makes Diana rush toward an enemy and deal more magic damage, and Pale Cascade deals AoE damage to the target and all nearby enemies.

With a 48.99% win rate, Diana is a decent jungler to try out.

Jarvan IV (D)

Jarvan IV might be mobile, but his skills do not always live up to their potential. His spell kit is ideal for a Jungler and is quite simple to perform. However, some players still struggle with him.

At a 49.17% win rate, Jarvan IV is not at all a popular pick among LoL players. While his Martial Cadence deals moderate damage, it also has a high cooldown, making him vulnerable to enemies.


His combo with Dragon Strike+Demacian Standard is great for engaging enemies, but you need to choose carefully when to go in. If you go engage too soon, there is a good chance you will be melted by the enemy team.

So only pick Jarvan if you already have mastered him.

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