James Cameron Reveals the Truth About Leonardo DiCaprio’s Titanic Drawing Skills

Culture news Leonardo DiCaprio 'can't draw at all': James Cameron reveals the truth about the famous Titanic drawing


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Until January 5, 2025, fans of director James Cameron can go to the French cinematheque to see the exhibition dedicated to him. We learn that it was he who was at the origin of one of the portraits of Titanic… but what's more, it clearly couldn't be DiCaprio.


James Cameron: artist before being director

We talked about it at the beginning of the month. Director James Cameron has all the talents : if he had not been a huge director, he could very well have had a great career in another artistic field. It is within the framework of a retrospective exhibition organized at the French cinematheque that the Canadien has filed drawings, tables or even models produced by him. A work that he describes as being a portrait of the ideas he has had since a young age:

It's really like a biography of my ideas, from childhood to today. I don't consider myself an artist in the strict sense. But the added value of this exhibition is to present my development as a director as an artist. I try to paint with light on the big screen

In addition to the models of Terminator or those of the skeleton of the Xenomorph from Alien, it was also James Cameron who produced the original drawing of Rose's nude in Titanic.

DiCaprio 'can't draw at all'

If it is not the most memorable scene from Titanic, the portrait scene between Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) is well considered a cult sequence of the feature film. A moment of flirtation between the two protagonists; and viewers have often wondered who was behind the portrait. We therefore learn that it is indeed James Cameron who is the author. At the microphone of the television channel France 2he even specifies that it was impossible that it was the Italian-American actor at the origin of the drawing.

He's a great artist, a great actor, but he can't draw at all.

Enough to support his following statements. Concerning Avatar, displaying unrecognizable actors, he considers that the most important thing above all is that “the main thing is the performance of the actors”.

The exhibition runs until January 5, 2025 at the French cinematheque. It is located at 51 rue de Bercy, in Paris in the 12th arrondissement.

About James Cameron

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