Is it worrisome that American cloud providers are making massive investments?

The subject is hot and you can feel it. A few hours after the Choose France announcements of investments in the cloud, the summit which brings together large foreign companies around the Head of State, numerous messages on social networks pointed out a certain inconsistency. “My feeling is above all anger. It is once again the priority for Gafam and the non-priority for French companies which could grow more if priority was given to them.“, retorts Thomas Fauré, president and founder of Whaller, a company publishing a secure collaborative platform, candidate for the SecNumCloud security visa.

4 billion injected by Microsoft

Attention was particularly focused on Microsoft's 4 billion euro investment in “the development of cloud and AI infrastructure” In France. “The largest to date in the country“, indicates the American company. In practice, the investment includes the extension of its data centers in Paris and Marseille as well as the opening of a “new site to host new generation data centers in the Mulhouse metropolitan area“, in the Grand Est.


For his part, Laurent Saint-Martin, general director of Business France (agency responsible for the international development of businesses and their exports) welcomes Microsoft's decision which allows “strengthen French sovereignty in artificial intelligence“, we can read in the press release from the American giant. However, is it possible to combine foreign investments and French technological sovereignty? Certainly, according to Cloud Temple, a company which offers a qualified hosting service SecNumCloud. “I have a favorable view of the situation“, explains Christophe Lesur, general manager of Cloud Temple. The latter refuses to oppose foreign technological investments and the promotion of so-called “sovereign” French solutions.


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