Is a Major Announcement on the Horizon? Signs Point to Yes!

GTA 6 is still being talked about and a big announcement could well arrive very soon. New clues have been discovered, it's serious!

GTA 6 fans are hot and horny. They have their eyes everywhere, all the time and monitor Rockstar's every move very closely. And thanks to that, they were able to discover something interesting. The American developer is apparently preparing to make an announcement about its game, this seems to be confirmed.


An imminent announcement for GTA 6? Clues have been discovered!

However, clever people have discovered something much more concrete. While monitoring the game's official website, they spotted the creation of several upcoming screenshot locations. For the moment, the addresses lead nowhere since they are empty, but they do exist. At the same time, Rockstar updated its official website by adding a section to house screenshots of the game. A layout which was quickly deleted. But the internet never forgets and the evidence had time to be immortalized before Rockstar tried to cover its tracks.

The “Screens” section visible above has since been removed – Via GTA 6 Countdown on

Rockstar is up to something…

This kind of preemptive manipulation is nothing new, but as a general rule, they mean only one thing: an announcement is imminent since a site update is coming. It is very likely that GTA 6 will be officially talked about soon. The parent company Take-Two must have its financial calls for its balance sheets by May 16, could it be that we have some information here?

This is one of the theories raised by the community. We can also expect other announcements in the coming months perhaps. We know that for video games, summer is conducive to announcements and events of all kinds. Rockstar may be planning something for us, we'll see. What is certain is that the studio is expected to turn the corner as GTA 6 is already selling dreams to thousands of fans of the franchise. Everyone is expecting a historic release, Take Two is even forecasting an explosion in its turnover by 2025. “FY 2025 would be a highly anticipated year for the company” who should enter “a new era by launching several revolutionary titles that will set new standards in the industry” said PSG some time ago. It promises…

