“I'll shove your phone up your ass…”

Who doesn’t know it: You pay a lot of money for a ticketto watch the new Marvel film together with hundreds of other fans on a huge screen with great sound system to watch, and then the cinema visit is disrupted by some inconsiderate people in the audience. Wolverine and Deadpool now stand up against such individuals with an unmistakable, crystal clear statement that is quite something.

Disturbing people in the cinema – not at the Marvel film Deadpool & Wolverine

Nervous giggling at all the wrong times, reckless rustling of the chip bags, hearty smacking and grunting when devouring 5 kg buckets of popcorn, particularly loud “whispering” during the film and, as a technological advance, vibrating, ringing smartphones with their dazzlingly bright displays. There are many creative ways to ruin someone's cinema experience.


Surely everyone has experienced a situation in the cinema where they reckless and selfish film tourists would have liked to have given a proper piece of his mind and a stern telling off. In the USA, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool are now doing this for film fans. In their usual explicit and humorous way.

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Even worse. From now on you can get a beating from Wolverine You'll miss out on what you'll hear if you don't put your phone on silent or in flight mode in the cinema – and it's from the X-Men member himself. He addresses the audience in the hall directly with Deadpool – and, as usual, doesn't mince his words.

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It is considered a cult trademark that appears in Deadpool films every now and then the so-called “fourth wall” These are not entirely serious scenes in which a Actress or actor facing the camera and addressing the audience directly. This is also the case in a cinema spot in which Wolverine and Deadpool drastically remind people to please turn their “damn phone” to silent.
