I wasn’t enthusiastic about this movie, even after starring alongside Brad Pitt. This actor also has mixed feelings about the nearly 200 million dollar film

Culture news “I didn’t want to make this film” After Brad Pitt, this actor also doesn’t have very good memories of this film worth almost 200 million dollars


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Certain roles have a lasting impact on an actor's career, for better or for worse. After Brad Pitt, another renowned actor today confides that he hated playing in an iconic film despite its immense commercial and critical success. Find out why this nearly $200 million blockbuster leaves a bitter taste for the person who played one of the main characters.


Orlando Bloom, famous for his iconic roles in “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “The Lord of the Rings,” has also starred in other notable productions in his career. In 2004, he played Paris in the blockbuster film “Troy,” directed by Wolfgang Petersen, known for hits like “In the Line of Fire” and “Air Force One.”. Loosely adapted from Homer's Iliad, this work brought together a prestigious cast with Brad Pitt, Eric Bana and Diane Kruger. Despite these advantages, Bloom admits that he did not like participating in this film. During a May 2024 interview with Variety, he admits to having it”made him disappear from his mind“, highlighting a deep discomfort with his role.

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Why Orlando Bloom didn't like playing in “Troy”

Petersen's direction of “Troy” sought to capitalize on the genre's renaissance pepluminitiated by “Gladiator” in 2000. The film was a commercial success, raising nearly $500 million at the worldwide box office and attracting 2.7 million spectators in France. However, for Bloom, the problem lay not in public reception but in his own experience. During his interview, he confided feeling disconnected from the character of Paris, which made his interpretation difficult and unpleasant. “So many people love this movie, but for me, playing this character was like…” he said before interrupting himself. Bloom even reveals that he didn't want to do the film from the start, because he didn't feel aligned with the proposed role.

“I didn’t want to make this film” After Brad Pitt, this actor also doesn’t have very good memories of this film worth almost 200 million dollars

However, “Troy” remains a quality film

Despite his personal feelings, Orlando Bloom tries not to openly criticize the quality of “Troy”. He recognizes the greatness of the film and the talent of his co-stars: “The movie was great. It was Brad Pitt. It was Eric Bana and Peter O'Toole.” However, his main conflict came from the nature of his character, Paris, which he found in complete opposition to his own personality. One scene in particular had a profound impact on him: the one where Paris, after a defeat, crawls and clings to his brother's leg. Bloom says he just couldn't bring himself to do the scene, despite his agents' insistence. This dissonance between his feelings and the character he had to play explains why he tried to forget this experience.

Warner Bros. Entertainment had nevertheless bet big on this blockbuster, investing between 175 and 185 million dollars. The film ultimately grossed nearly $500 million, justifying the financial risks taken. However, for Bloom, financial success and positive public reception could not compensate for his personal discomfort and feelings of inadequacy with his role…

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