How to Create and Unlock Aberrant Action – Next Stage

Aberrant Actiona new Vex-flavored weapon, was added to Destiny 2 during the weekly reset. With players around the world eager to craft this weapon, it offers a unique experience thanks to its exceptional stats and built-in bonuses. In this article, we’ll explore how to craft and unlock Aberrant Action, as well as the best combinations of perks to maximize its use.

Seasonal Quest Progress to Unlock Aberrant Action

To get Aberrant Action, it is central to follow the seasonal quest in Destiny 2. Before starting this task, make sure you have completed the first part of the episode. If not, complete them first.

Steps to get aberrant action

  1. Visit Ikora Rey to the Tower to receive the quest A Rising Chorus: Act II.
  2. Accomplish the Battlegrounds: Delve on Nessus. This activity can be found at the bottom left of the Destinations map.
  3. Get a copy of Deep Sight of Aberrant Action by completing this mission. This will provide you with the first items needed for crafting.

After completing these steps, return to HELM and interact with Failsafe to see Aberrant Action and Corrosion (a similar weapon but bow type). However, the options to focus these weapons may be grayed out, requiring the Act II engram to be updated.

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How to acquire the necessary deep sight copies

To craft Aberrant Action, you will need to obtain five patterns Deep Sightalso called Red Boxes. Here are the most effective methods to collect them:

Participate in echoes activities

Echoes activities such as Battlegrounds, Breach Executable, and Enigma Protocol often offer weapon drops. Once you've completed these activities, open the chests to see if you've received a copy. Deep Sight from Aberrant Action.

  • THE Battlegrounds are particularly popular among players, with a fairly high drop frequency.
  • It took my clanmate six runs of Battlegrounds to obtain the remaining Red Boxes needed.

Using echo engrams and deep sight harmonizers

You can also use Echo Engrams to focus and try to get copies Deep Sight of Aberrant Action. This method is random, but often effective after a few attempts.

Finally, the Deep Sight Harmonizers allow you to transform normal versions of weapons into Red Boxes. However, these Harmonizers are rare, so use them wisely.

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Aberrant action: the best perk options

One of Aberrant Action's strengths is its robust perk options. The optimal combination, also known as god rollvaries depending on preferences and in-game uses. Here are the most recommended perks:

Main combination of perks

The most popular configuration for Aberrant Action is:

  • Heal Clip + Incandescent : This combination provides fast regeneration and area of ​​effect (AoE) damage.
  • Additional options: Flared Magwell for faster recharge and a recharge masterwork to further improve recovery speed.

Alternative perk combinations

If you want to vary the uses, you can opt for:

  • Boxer Or Strategist in the third column for more melee energy or class ability.
  • Ambitious Assassin for a larger magazine.
  • Swashbuckler Or Golden Tricorn in the fourth column for more damage, but require specific setups to activate frequently.

Using Aberrant Action in Combat

Aberrant Action excels at clearing waves of enemies while dealing significant single-target damage at medium to long range. Additionally, it can stun Unstoppable Champions thanks to its unique ability.

This weapon has solar propulsion is currently performing very well due to her exceptional ammo economy, making her a candidate for a possible post-Echoes nerf. Take advantage of her explosive abilities while you can.

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Example of a table of recommended perks

Column 1Column 2
MainHeal Clip + Incandescent
Option 1Flared Magwell + Reload Masterwork
Option 2Pugilist or Strategist
Option 3Ambitious Assassin
Option 4Swashbuckler or Golden Tricorn

Aberrant Action has proven to be a monster of destruction by adding both area damage efficiency and supports. Whether conquering PvE activities or challenging other players in PvP, this weapon stands out for its versatility and strategic advantages. Don't miss the opportunity to craft it and optimize it with the best combinations of perks to maximize its potential.

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