Helldivers 2: Spawn rates in focus


The players of “Helldivers 2” are currently complaining about some serious problems with the spawns in the game. Now the developers are finally speaking out.


After the extremely successful launch in February this year and the numerous record reports Negative reports about the co-op shooter are increasing “Helldivers 2”. In the recent past, players have had to struggle with completely escalated spawns, which really spoil their fun. After a period of radio silence, there is now a redeeming message from the developers.

What exactly is the current problem in Helldivers 2?

In “Helldivers 2,” certain factors determined when and how often enemies appeared in the world of the co-op shooter. With the help of these spawns, the developers can control the number of enemies on the virtual battlefields relatively precisely. But it is precisely this spawn rate that seems to have gotten a bit out of control in the recent past, with players increasingly complaining about being literally overrun.

The mood within the community was correspondingly bad, demanding that the problem be solved as quickly as possible – so far without success. But now a remedy finally seems to be on the horizon.

What do the developers say about the spawn problem?

Community manager Twinbeard recently got in touch in the official Discord of “Helldivers 2” to speak out to comment on the current spawn problem. The team always had the topic on their radar, but was able to do so because of it the enormous shitstorm in connection with the announced account compulsory don't really care about it. The studio now has the time it needs to address the problem.

“There may be some minor adjustments. But overall, we'll be reverting the way patrol and spawns work to how they were before the update that changed them a few weeks ago. We believe that it will then work the way you imagine,” it says.

Unfortunately, Twinbeard did not provide any further details via Discord. For example, it is unknown when exactly Arrowhead Game Studios will make the planned spawn changes. However, they probably won't have to wait too long.

Further news about Helldivers 2.

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