Helldivers 2 on Xbox: 44k signatures to end the console war! | Xbox

Available for a little over a week now, Helldivers 2 is a real hit. Released exclusively on PS5 and PC, this game published by Sony shines with its gameplay, its light tone and above all its ability to bring players together in a merciless fight against the enemy. While the challenge is tough, a petition addressed to PlayStation today calls for Xbox players to be able to join the battle.

Read also: No Helldivers 2 on Xbox: Phil Spencer wonders who benefits from PS5/PC exclusivity


Almost 50,000 signatures!

Launched five days ago on Change.org, the petition has since collected nearly 50,000 signatures and has numerous messages from Xbox players demanding to be able to join the fight.

In a tone of humor, the description also takes on the air of a fight against the console war, begging Sony to let Xbox players join the cause of the Helldivers:

As the interstellar battle against oppressive alien forces continues, the fervent call for Helldivers 2 resonates across all platforms, clamoring for its arrival on Xbox. This rallying cry is not just about expanding accessibility; it's about fostering unity, pushing boundaries, and elevating the collective experience of players around the world.


Beyond console allegiances, echoes of solidarity resonate among PC and PlayStation gamers. Forged in the fire of countless battles, these valiant warriors are united in their desire to see Helldivers 2 come to the Xbox platform. They understand that the true essence of Helldivers lies not in the hardware it sits on, but in the unbreakable bonds forged in the heat of battle, transcending cross-platform rivalries and uniting players under one banner : the call of duty.

The comments from the various players who signed the petition are also worth the detour.

One of them states in particular: I've fought Covenant for decades and now I'm ready to come help my brothers on PlayStation ”, while another states “ we need more reinforcements in Draupnir and Halo 3 ODST fans are the ones who can help us. “.


“Let Xbox players join the battle”

Overall, almost everyone seems to see Helldivers 2 as a great way to unite players. Another comment states “this is the perfect game to end the console wars”.

Even if there is very little chance that the title will arrive on Xbox soon, especially given the high traffic problems from which it has been suffering for several days, we must admit that seeing all these messages is very positive.

If you don't know Helldivers 2 and you have a PC or a PS5, we can only advise you to embark on the adventure, as it is doing so well in the video game landscape today. You can also sign the petition by clicking on the link below. For democracy!

Sign the petition
