GTA 5: Trevor actor confirms having filmed scenes for canceled DLC – News

The existence of these DLCs, at least on paper, had already been highlighted by the massive leaks to which Rockstar Games was the victim in September 2022. If we mainly remember this event for the first details of GTA 6, the data also showed a certain number of additional content never released, or in the best case repackaged in the form of an update for Grand Theft Auto Online. Because this is where we find the simple explanation for the fact that a success as massive as that of GTA 5 did not open the doors to additional chapters for his campaign. Consequence of the evolution which was taking place at the same time, it is GTA Online which gradually revealed itself to be the real goose that laid the golden eggs of Rockstar and Take-Two, to the point of still serving as an essential reference in the games service sector 10 years later, despite increasingly fierce competition.


GTA5 single-player DLCs sealed

Steven Ogg, actor now aged 50 who can be seen in The Walking Dead And WestWorld after being revealed for his role as Trevor, confirmed that there was indeed talk of additional content centered on his character, in which Trevor played undercover agents for the feds. The actor says the project was advanced to the point where filming had begun, but he says those scenes were never used. “ Trevor must have been undercover, working with the feds. We shot some of these scenes with this James Bond Trevor, where he's still a bit of a bastard, but he does his best. Then it all disappeared and they never did it, they never followed through », explains Steven Ogg.

However, it is known that Rockstar reused some ideas from its single-player DLC in favor of GTA Online updates, something that Steven Ogg would certainly not be able to comment on given his notorious disinterest in video games. According to a datamining from 2023, this DLC Agent Trevor would have been accompanied by at least two other extensions titled Zombie Apocalypse And Alien Invasion. Before the advent of the game service, Rockstar Games was accustomed to extensions including The Lost and Damned And The Ballad of Gay Tony (Grand Theft Auto 4) and Undead Nightmare (Red Dead Redemption).

  • Also read | GTA 6 will be released in 2025 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series
