Grand Theft Auto VI: Release period specified – it will take even longer!

Publisher Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar Games have further specified the release period for Grand Theft Auto VI – and unfortunately it's taking even longer!


Grand Theft Auto VI is considered the most anticipated video game ever and the trailer release last December set records and sparked real hype. At that time, Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar Games announced the action epic for 2025 without being more specific. Now there is new information!

Following the announcement, there was repeated talk in the rumor mill that the internal plan called for a publication towards the beginning of next year. Some time ago, a financial report provided at least a little more clarity as it ruled out a release in the current financial year and thus in the first quarter of 2025. The company's fiscal year runs until March 31, 2025. It is now clear: Even shortly after the end of the fiscal year, there will be no release of GTA 6 anytime soon.

In fact, you will have to be even more patient, because on the occasion of the publication of the report on the end of the 2024 financial year, Take-Two Interactive has now provided more clarity in a statement. This of course also contains financial prognosis for the new financial year and in this respect it says: “Our outlook reflects the further specification of the Grand Theft Auto VI release window previously communicated by Rockstar Games from the calendar year 2025 to autumn 2025. We have the utmost confidence that Rockstar Games will deliver an unprecedented entertainment experience and our expectations for the title's commercial impact continue to grow.”


Compared to the US colleagues from IGN When asked, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick then added again that both Take-Two and Rockstar would be “very happy” to be able to “actually deliver” GTA 6 in the fall of 2025.

Interesting in this context: Current reports on the specification of the release time window show that the release at the beginning of 2025, which was buzzing around in the rumor mill, was never a realistic option. Since the release of the first trailer in December, the plan has always been to release GTA 6 in fall 2025, as we approach the busy Christmas season. Realistically speaking, we will have to wait at least until September 2025 or even a few months later until we can hold GTA 6 in our hands – and therefore over a year.

And even then everything has to go well! After all, Rockstar Games is also known for major shifts. Red Dead Redemption 2, for example, was delayed three times and Grand Theft Auto V also faced a major release delay in 2013. A major shift had also already been discussed in the rumor mill, but according to Jason Schreier from Bloomberg Nothing has changed significantly in the previous release plans for the game. We keep you up to date!

Grand Theft Auto 6 – Our opinion on the trailer

We had to wait a long time, but now Rockstar Games has released the first trailer for GTA 6. Felix, Andi and Basti looked particularly closely and summarized all the information and theses about the trailer for you in this talk.
