Fractured Online – The Demons are finally preparing to invade Fractured Online

From the beginning, Fractured Online was to be available on three planets, including the world of Demons dedicated to PvP. In the absence of a planet for the moment, the demonic races will invade the MMORPG from May 8.

We remember, the world of the initial version of Fractured Online was to span three distinct planets: the planet Syndesia of the Humans (a neutral world), the planet Arboreus of the peaceful Wildfolks dedicated to PvE content and finally the planet Tartaros of the Demons which was to host the PvP content of the MMORPG. We know that the operation of Fractured Online by the independent studio Dynamight is not easy and the deployment of Tartaros has been postponed sine die.


The invasion of demons

However, on May 8, the developer will deploy the major update The Invasionnotably marked by the addition of Demons among the races of playable characters – Tartaros will not be available (the planet still requires several months of work), but the Demons will therefore already invade the planet Syndesia.

Concretely, initially, two races of demons will be available: the Blood Demons, a type of vampire known for their intelligence (they start with a +4 bonus in Intelligence and Charisma) and who gain power by drinking the blood of their opponents; and the imposing Hellfire Demons known for their strength (in particular they have a +4 bonus in Strength and Constitution). THE Blood Demons are rather fragile but benefit from a comfortable mana gauge, while the Hellfire Demons benefit from a high number of life points to withstand enemy blows. Details will be communicated gradually between now and the deployment of the update, but already, the developer specifies that the demons have been designed specifically for PvP (we understand that some will have a rather offensive profile, others rather defensive).

A VIP subscription and tokens

Note that the update The Invasion must also unlock the Fractured Online VIP subscription (which was announced in the MMORPG crowdfunding campaign), as well as the MMORPG cosmetic store. The developer assures that the subscription does not include “any pay-to-win element”, but there is nevertheless something to progress more quickly and elements of comfort. Paid items can thus be purchased in the store or via subscription, but also using “tokens” that players can exchange for gold. In other words, items in the store will be available to all players, directly or indirectly, through purchases or using gold.

The model is not new in MMORPGs, and its operation will depend in particular on the conversion rates between in-game gold and store tokens and this conversion rate is not yet specified. Unsurprisingly, players are wondering, but here too, the developer assures that details will be communicated soon, before the update is deployed.

