Firewalk Studios’ New Sci-Fi Shooter “Concord” Starts Beta Testing in July

Concord is a sci-fi themed PvP multiplayer FPS that was announced as the debut work of Firewalk Studios, a team of veterans who helped create and succeed Destiny. The first gameplay footage was unveiled the other day. With its release date approaching on August 23, 2024, Firewalk has recently posted a new video on the overseas PlayStation.Blog.updateThe beta test schedule was announced, with the early access beta for PS5 and PC pre-order customers running from July 12th to July 14th, and the open beta running from July 18th to July 21st.

The announcement also included details on the 16 freelance gunners who will be available in the beta test, as well as several maps and modes.

  • “Concord” beta will support cross-play between PS5 and PC
  • 16 freelance gunners available, including Hamer, Veil, Lennox, 1-0FF, Starchild, It-Z, Teo and Bazz
  • map
    • Freewater: A fortified outpost on the planet Glance, featuring intersecting perimeter lanes and a large courtyard in the center of the map.
    • Water Hazard: Fight on the watery planet Leviathan inside the jaws of a giant Morak Eel suspended in a central catch basin.
    • Star Chamber: An ancient observatory atop the tallest mountain on planet Gloom, featuring a narrow passageway and a meteorite in the middle.
    • Shock Risk: Set beneath a giant conductive kite that collects lightning on planet Leviathan. Features a large central tower with multiple unique arenas
    • A fifth map, Bone Mines on the planet Akkar, will be released during the open beta weekend. Set in a mining cavern, Bone Mines contains the skeleton of a giant Vastadon.
  • mode
    • Trophy Hunt: A respawn-based mode. Earn points for your team by killing rival crew members and collecting bounty cards. The first team to reach the target score before time runs out wins.
    • Cargo Run: No respawn mode. Retrieve Blue Buddy's robotic cargo delivery system, place it in the zone, and defend it from rival crews to win.
    • Clash Point: A round-based, no-respawn mode in which teams compete for control of a single capture zone in the center of the map.
    • A new mode, Area Control, will be available over the weekend during the Open Beta. Area Control is a respawn-based mode where you compete for control of multiple capture/control zones across the map. By controlling two or more zones, you can increase your team's score and reach the points threshold to win.

Reference: Cinematic trailer released the other day

Reference: First gameplay footage
