Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Developers Request Players to Avoid Spoiling Bosses for Others

With each release, spoilers represent the developers' biggest fear. After years of development, it is often terrible to see that some players have decided to spoil the surprise(s) by posting messages on social networks. Like forewarned is forearmed, the creative director of FF7 Rebirth, Tetsuya Nomura, has released his best press release, serving as a warning.

Only one week left until the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: an expanded demo to celebrate!

Since the broadcast of the State of Play dedicated to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, time seems awfully long to us. It must be said that if the enthusiasm surrounding the sequel to Final Fantasy VII Remake was already almost palpable, this has increased in intensity due to a spectacular trailer – although filled with multiple small spoilers – and a demonstration of the new and numerous features relating to this sequel. Beyond that, the Square Enix teams have formalized the greatest gift they could give to the most impatient fans and players: a demo version, in two parts!


Firstly, players were able to discover the inaugural chapter of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This consists of diving back into Cloud's memories and satisfying one of the fans' wildest dreams: playing Sephiroth, if only for a few minutes, in this crossing of Nibelheim to the Mako reactor of Mount Nibel . Recently, this same demonstration of the game on PS5 has been expanded with the addition of a semi-open world portion which allowed everyone to have a taste of the additional activities offered by Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. With this substantial preview offered to players, we understand immediately: the release is imminent. However, the developers are warning, and they are not kidding!

As with Remake, Tetsuya Nomura asks players not to reveal anything about FF7 Rebirth

We are a week away from the long-awaited launch and players only want to discover what is hidden beyond the demonstration, namely the various regions, all the new features of the combat system, the Plot development, twists and turns and crucial milestones between each chapter, usually represented by spectacular boss fights. It is this last point that most worries the members of Creative Business Unit I, as well as the creative director, Tetsuya Nomura, who issued a press release to call on players not to spoil the crucial moments of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

As Tetsuya Nomura recalls, the development teams deliberately chose not to restrict recording from the console as well as the sharing functions of the PS5 so that players can comment and discuss their gameplay experiences. Therefore, the creative director calls on the responsibility of players by telling them to include as many “spoiler” tags as possible in their publications on social networks, or simply to avoid sharing essential moments of the plot. When in doubt, if you often hang out on social networks, we advise you to hide as many terms as possible that could be close or distant to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
