Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: A Comparison of German Magazine Reviews

In our grade comparison Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth We list tests, reviews, ratings or whatever from the following German online game magazines – regardless of the fact that some of them also publish print offers (aka magazines): CBS (Computer Bild Spiele),, ,, (& and, of course, – whereby we politely place ourselves at the end of the review list. What is important to us: A rating can only ever be a rough description of the game quality – please read the respective test report before commenting on a grade that may be out of line.

Rating comparison: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Review byNote/LinkQuote from the test report
v. 5 stars
Some graphical weaknesses cannot be overlooked, the essentially likeable narrative often remains superficial and the open world has a little too much to do with pure hard work: Like its predecessor, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is not a perfect role-playing game. At the same time, the middle part of the remake trilogy contains a multitude of loving details that make it a fantastic pleasure in terms of content as well as visually and acoustically.
v. 100
Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth irons out almost all of the criticisms of its predecessor and becomes the best Final Fantasy in years. [Ganzer Test hinter Paywall]
v. 100
Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth can be summed up in one word: spectacular. No matter whether graphics, soundtrack, environments, effects or the cutscenes. Rebirth sets the bar very high for the third part of the trilogy and gives hope that when the final part is released, we will have a complete package that could dethrone even an almost 30-year-old classic.
PC games /
JRPGs are usually not my area of ​​interest. But over the past few years I've gotten lost in these realms from time to time… In addition to the absolutely great variety of gameplay, I was particularly impressed by the emotional storytelling. All of the protagonists are fantastically written and it was sometimes very moving to experience their stirring stories.
v. 10
In my opinion, how much fun Rebirth will give you depends primarily on two factors: how much fun you have with the combat system and whether you are already a fan of the original. […] Fans of the original who know roughly where the plot is going may enjoy this ever-meandering journey in itself. […] Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is too bloated for me.
Average rating8.7*Last checked: February 23, 2024, 9:50 a.m

We calculate the average rating based on the 10 system, so a “75” corresponds to a 7.5. Of course, the scoring systems and philosophies differ in detail. If a magazine gives different ratings or grades depending on the platform, we use the highest for the average. If a test has now been published by a magazine that is marked as “Not tested”, we would be pleased if the rating and link were mentioned as a comment.
