Fallout Series’ Astonishing Visuals: Todd Howard’s Surprise Favorite

Culture news “Visually very, very beautiful” Todd Howard reveals which part of the Fallout series impressed him the most


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Available in full since its launch on April 11 on Prime Video, the television series charms viewers. Some of them have already chosen their favorite scene: it is not uncommon to see the conclusion of this first season come back to insiders as a special moment. But for Todd Howard, producer of the games since Fallout 3 and producer of the series, it is in the very first episode that the scene he likes the most appears.


Tell a new story without betraying the original universe

The television adaptation of the video game series fallout has been available on Amazon Prime Video since April 11. It appeals to viewers, as evidenced by the popularity of the games. Millions of players have (re)launched Fallout titles. Even the one considered the worst showed an increase of a million players over an entire day! Among the positive points of the series, it is often the atmosphere and the faithful reconstruction of the universe that are mentioned. Todd Howard, producer of the games since Fallout 3, also held this role for the small screen adaptation. For him, it was necessary to remain “authentic and faithful” to the world of Fallout:

There's a lot of post-apocalyptic entertainment out there, but there's nothing quite like the Fallout universe. It can be very dramatic, it can be suspenseful, it can be scary, it has action. There is also comedy and some type of violence. Weaving these elements together is really, really tricky and I think they did an incredible job of that.

He also explains making the choice to tell a new story in an already known world. Enough to allow the initiated the opportunity to immerse themselves in a universe that they appreciate while giving the uninitiated the opportunity to discover it. Something we saw with Cyberpunk: Edgerunners or the series The Last of Us.

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Fallout: the producer's favorite moment? A sequence from episode 1

It’s funny that the choice of Todd Howard’s favorite scene from the Fallout series also serves his point of “perfect for everyone”. Questioned on this question during a question/answer session, he replied:

I always love the moment when Lucy comes out of the shelter. I think it's a very powerful moment. It’s a deserved moment and visually very, very beautiful.

A “strong moment”, visible from episode 1, which obviously speaks to Fallout fans. This sequence, however, is much more than that for Todd Howard. These highlights appear in all games developed by Bethesda. Before the release of Starfield, he explained

Technology has changed. We have all changed. That's why we expect when we load a game that there will be this moment. The fact that we're able to do that and make it feel new in every generation, in every game, is something really special about what we do.

Or how walking through a simple door can also give the feeling of travel and adventure.

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