Fallout 4 fans beg Bethesda to stop breaking the game with their updates – Next Stage

The recent update of Fallout 4 by Bethesda was received with a mix of feelings by the fan community. Between technical problems and delays, this long-awaited update ultimately sowed frustration among players. This article aims to explore the difficulties encountered following the update and the hopes that fans still have regarding this iconic game.

Post-update technical issues

The evolution of Fallout 4 towards next generation systems has not been without its challenges. Marked by a release on April 24, 2024, this update was supposed to mark the game by its adaptability with the Steam Deck, making Fallout 4 more accessible on new platforms. However, this transition proved to be a source of issues for players, particularly when it came to customizing settings on the Steam Deck, due to the omission of the game's launch screen.


Another major point of friction lies in the recurring incompatibility with the Fallout 4 Script Extender, a vital extension for the operation of many mods. Each update made by Bethesda requires significant adjustments to this expansion, impacting in a domino effect the performance of other mods essential to the gaming experience. This situation has placed players and mod creators in a delicate position, hoping that no other major updates are needed soon.

Impacts on mods and players' hopes

THE mods represent an essential facet of the experience Fallout 4, allowing the community to constantly enrich the game with new content. For example, the much anticipated Fallout London, a complete overhaul planned to transport players from the Commonwealth to London, has had its release postponed following the update. This delay sowed disappointment among fans, impatient to discover unexplored horizons in the Fallout universe. The current environment poses considerable challenges for mod developers, who must navigate an ever-changing gaming environment.

The general feeling within the community is tinged with uncertainty, with players expressing their dismay at the successive updates and their repercussions on the game. “Hopefully not all mods are compromised,” expresses one player, illustrating the predominant concern. This situation has also affected the wait around large-scale projects such as Fallout Londonwhose release date remains undetermined.

Between dismay and hope: the future of fallout 4

The current situation of Fallout 4 highlights a central dilemma in video games: how to balance necessary technical improvements with maintaining a stable gaming experience for the community. Bethesda finds itself at a crossroads, having to make critical decisions for the future of the game. The community, although frustrated, continues to support the potential of Fallout 4, hoping that the current issues will be resolved in the near future.


Faced with obstacles, hope remains for fans who, despite problematic updates, remain attached to the Fallout universe. They eagerly anticipate the resolution of these issues, thus enabling ambitious projects like Fallout London to see the light of day. In the meantime, community initiatives are looking for alternative solutions to maintain the vitality of mods, a key element of Fallout 4's longevity.

While waiting for better days for Fallout 4, fans of the series can turn to other promising universes, as suggested by the announcement of iconic GTA San Andreas missions making their return in GTA 6. This transition to new adventures could offer valuable consolation as Fallout 4 navigates through its tumultuous time.

In short, the latest Fallout 4 update shook the community, revealing technical issues and affecting mods. However, despite the obstacles, optimism remains. With renewed attention to community desires and innovative solutions, Bethesda could overcome these challenges to deliver an enriched and more stable Fallout 4 experience in the future.
