Exploring the Loss of Exclusivity in Video Games, with a Focus on Starfield

Four Xbox games are set to lose their exclusivity. “Starfield” and the upcoming “Indiana Jones” are not included – at least not yet. But which games does Microsoft have in mind? New rumors emerged.

Xbox games are set to appear on competing consoles. This rumor haunted the industry for weeks. During yesterday's showcast, Microsoft's Phil Spencer confirmed this assumption and largely left it at that.


First is a Port of four games planned. No names were mentioned, which again creates scope for speculation and rumors. However, two games that have been the subject of frequent speculation in recent weeks are not included.

Starfield and Co – No, but yes…

Microsoft will not release “Starfield” and “Indiana Jones” for the PS5 – at least for now. Phil Spencer explained that the titles mentioned are not among the four still unknown games that Microsoft wants to bring to competing platforms.

But what comes after the four games that may serve as a test balloon? “I don't think we as an industry should ever rule out a game coming to another platform. We are concentrating on these four games and learning from the experiences,” said Spencer.

The Xbox boss went on to explain that he doesn't want to create false expectations about the PS5: “That's not the plan today. I also don't want to mislead customers on the other platforms. We are bringing these four games to market and we are excited about it.”


At the end, Spencer provided a final cliffhanger: “We’re excited about the announcement and everything else. But we’ll see what happens in terms of our business.”

On the topic: Helldivers 2 on Xbox – Phil Spencer would like it, but doesn't think so

Microsoft Flight Simulator and Gears of War considered?

The rather vague statements from Microsoft laid the foundation for further rumors. The four still unnamed games could be “Sea of ​​Thieves”, “Grounded”, “Hi-Fi Rush” and “Pentiment”.

And while Spencer never wants to rule out games for other platforms, Microsoft loudly pulled the trigger The Verge Other games were also considered, including “Microsoft Flight Simulator”, “Gears of War” and even the next “DOOM” game.

The management of the Xbox division does not want to reveal which games should lose Xbox exclusivity. This could indicate that the final decision has not yet been made.

However, the entire show was a tightrope walk for the Redmond-based company. On the one hand, the company wants to strengthen the multiplatform approach, but on the other hand, it doesn't want to upset the Xbox community. It is also questionable how committed Sony and Nintendo are to the new strategy. The discussions must have been going on in the background for a long time.

Further news about the Xbox division:

Yesterday's statements from Microsoft can ultimately be summarized as follows: Xbox games will be released for PS5 and/or Switch. Only Microsoft knows which games they are and how extensive the strategy will ultimately be.
