Exciting News Set to Delight Millions

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 clearly didn't tell us everything and this new discovery should certainly make many people happy. Millions even!

The next iteration of Call of Duty is on the horizon. The one we now officially call Black Ops 6 was announced a few days ago via trailers which set the tone. The atmosphere is one of revolution, of the rising of the people. It was also claimed that the next game would be developed by Treyarch and Raven Software, as planned. But for now, there is no more official information… however, the rumors in the corridors give us hope regarding one of the important aspects of the game, if not THE most important in the end: its availability .


Call of Duty Black Ops 6 for everyone

Yes, knowing if there is a single player campaign, zombie or a solid multiplayer is one thing, but you still need to know if you will be able to play it. A question that millions of players are currently asking. We were talking to you about it recently, not everyone has yet moved to the “new generation” of consoles, which is actually the current generation from now on. At Sony for example, the PS4 is still a hit and crushes the PS5.

A trend that pushes publishers to publish their games on old PS4 and Xbox One consoles in this case. This generally results in making development more difficult for developers and/or lowering ambitions. In some cases, games on PS5 and Xbox Series may even be impacted by not being as good as they should, or could, have been.

One of the trailers for Call of Duty Black Ops 6

Activision should not change course

And if there's anyone who has trouble taking this step, it's Activision. So far, all Call of Duty games released since 2020 have been designed to be cross-generation. Not only are the games available on PS4 and Xbox One, but all players can play together. And from what is said among very informed insiders about the franchise, Call of Duty Black Ops 6 should also offer the same thing. In any case, it should be available on PS4 and Xbox One, but whether everyone will be able to play together is another matter. But with the new licensing policy, it is difficult to imagine Activision and now Microsoft alienating several million potential players.

In any case, the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Call of Duty Black Ops 6 have been spotted on the listings of Gamestop, one of the largest resellers across the Atlantic. If everything seems to match, it could also be that these are just placeolders.


Via Reddit and X

Black Ops 6 is coming to us very soon!

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 should therefore not be the revolutionary episode from this point of view. Nothing has been confirmed yet, however, and we should certainly see more clearly in the coming weeks during the Summer Game Fest. It has indeed been confirmed that a big event lasting a good hour will be broadcast just after the Xbox Showcase on June 9 from 7 p.m. This is where the next Call of Duty will blow our minds. But before that again, the game will reveal a new live action trailer as it has the secret. And that's happening in a few hours.
