Exciting News: A Popular Xbox Game is Coming to PS5 Soon – Save the Date!

After numerous rumors, here is finally the official announcement: this title will indeed see the light of day on PS5 on this date!

After a particularly eventful year 2023 for Microsoft, a storm of rumors fell on the green giant. After having finalized the takeover of the century, putting an end to almost two years of overhyped battle, Internet users wondered about the exclusives of the Xbox console. In just a few weeks, these questions have multiplied and numerous rumors, spread by sources ranging from the most reliable to the least reliable, have appeared. Indeed, it was questioned whether titles exclusive to this console would be ported to other machines. More precisely, some had already imagined specific games, including Hi-Fi Rush, finding their place on new platforms.


Recently, this information was confirmed! Phil Spencer spoke a few days ago on this subject, having to face the more than credible rumors. Thus, the action-rhythm title developed by Tango Gameworks will indeed appear elsewhere… And it is PlayStation players who will be delighted! A release date has even been revealed.

Hi-Fi Rush coming to PS5 in March

If Hi-Fi Rush has been eyeing you, but you've never been able to touch it because you prefer Sony consoles, the opportunity has finally presented itself! This title, which initially saw the light of day on Windows platforms and Xbox Series X/S consoles on January 25, 2023, more than a year ago, will now reach a new audience. It is therefore with the DualSense in hand that PS5 players will be able to refine their sense of rhythm in a colorful adventure which has received much praise. At JV, it was given a 17/20 at the time of its release, highlighting in particular its splendid artistic direction, its easy-to-understand gameplay and its quality soundtrack.

It will be possible to obtain this title on PS5 on March 19, in just a few weeks. Starting today, you can pre-order this title from 7 p.m., for the basic version or the Deluxe Edition which contains many cosmetics. It will also be possible to obtain this title in physical edition, for those who would like to see this game in their library.
