Elden Ring: Shadow of the ErdTree Release Date Revealed! Here’s What to Expect from the DLC of 2022’s Top Video Game

FromSoftware and Bandai Namco are both ahead of schedule and right on time. In fact, they published (as planned) at 4:00 p.m. sharp the gameplay trailer for Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erden Tree DLC. A gift that arrives earlier than expected since it is four days before the game’s second anniversary. This trailer, rich in information, reviews the lore, suggests new ways of playing but above all displays a release date.

Elden Ring Shadow of the ErdTree DLC: a very rich three-minute trailer

Like Nintendo, Bandai Namco does its communication in the evening. At midnight, the Japanese publisher announced what players had been waiting for a year: there will be news on Shadow of the ErdTree, the Elden Ring DLC ​​voted game of the year in 2022 at the Game Awards. This is a gameplay trailer that has been promised for players. And what is promised, what is due! The trailer arrived at 4:00 p.m. sharp, with three minutes packed with content.


The trailer (watch above) opens on Moghwynn Palace, and more precisely at the location of the confrontation against Mohg, the lord of blood. Behind the demigod (remember, he is one of the sons of the Marika/Godfrey couple) is a cocoon from which a withered arm protrudes. It is supposedly Miquella’s: he is Malenia’s brother, both demigods since they are descendants of Marika. Enough to suggest in a way that Shadow of the ErdTree makes Miquella one of its key characters. This is evidenced by other sequences where the presence of the boy is assumed. We see him at the end with his long hair and is the subject of certain dialogues:

Come now, touch the withered arm and travel to the shadow realm.

This trailer released by FromSoftware and Bandai Namco therefore already risks being the subject of in-depth analyzes for content related to the story. But it is clear that the three-minute video delivers a wealth of details at all levels: new bosses, an unexplored region (what is this Kingdom of Nothingness?), potential new ways to play (we see throwing weapons, melee combat or even a crossbow firing in bursts) .

The violin strings squeak, the sequence sequences become more numerous and the speeches are more solemn. All these elements make the trailer gain momentum to reveal, like the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel, what the players were waiting for: the release date.

Elden Ring Shadow of the ErdTree: when is the release date?

Between the supposed blunder of an accessories dealer linked to Shadow of the ErdTree and the second anniversary of the game fast approaching (Elden Ring was released on February 25, 2022), fans were starting to get impatient with the lack of news of the DLC . In one year, they will only have had an artwork and a name.


It must be said that more than two years of development for a DLC is unheard of for FromSoftware. Enough to promise, on paper, substantial content much superior to the additional content of the studio’s previous games, whatever they may be.

As seen above, players can now, with the help of the trailer, create their own theories about the upcoming content which seems colossal. Enough to keep you busy for a few weeks, an ideal length of time before the release of Shadow of the ErdTree: the DLC is now expected for June 21, on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series.
