Earth Defense Force 6 finally finds its European release date

Double dose in 2024

Although quite distant in terms of game mechanics, Helldiverse 2 will nevertheless have allowed quite a few fans of the franchise Earth Defense Force to put things into perspective, noting that TPS with giant insects can also interest the greatest number of people. This series owned by D3 Publisher, which we would readily consider as a niche cultural product, has only had limited success outside of Japan (and even within the archipelago elsewhere, but let's move on), and only survives thanks to a strong community of fans. Community which will have visibly thrown itself without thinking on the last two opuses to date, Iron Rain And World Brothersyet considered by the majority as falling short of the main aspects.

After more than three years of absence, Earth Defense Force is however about to return, more noisily than ever. In fact, we learned a few weeks ago that a certain Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 was about to see the light of day, and would appear throughout the world on September 26. Very good news, certainly, which accompanied another, older and less precise one, predicting the arrival of the sixth numbered episode for the spring. Now that this beautiful season is upon us, we can say it without getting too excited: it's not happening right away. However, things took a different turn on that first day of May.


It was via a trailer that we were able to learn the news: Earth Defense Force 6 is indeed heading towards a release this year in the West, and even this summer. A little postponement that doesn't do it any harm, spacing it out Helldiverse 2 which could, in a way, overshadow him. The good news is that this time we have a very specific date: July 25. Notice to those interested, any pre-order will allow you to acquire a unique jetpack for the Wing Diver class. Any purchase before December 24 (which remains a fairly wide window) will also allow you to obtain a skin for the exoskeleton, as well as three additional characters to play as.

Appointment next July 25 to save the planet from evil giant insects and flying saucers, and this on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam. Note that, on the occasion of this announcement, the entire franchise available on PC offers big discounts on the Valve platform.
