EA discontinues Star Wars game: End of the line for popular title

Electronic Arts has stopped developing a new Star Wars game. According to its own statements, the studio would rather concentrate on other games.

EA is introducing a new Star Wars shooter

The Star Wars brand no longer just consists of the film series; there are now also series and countless games for almost every common platform. In 2022, work on an additional first-person shooter was announced, but this one Star Wars games now have to make way for others.


EA Entertainment boss Laura Miele announced that after a review they decided that the studio would prefer Respawn focus on the Jedi and Apex Legends series should. They want to give fans the next parts of the iconic franchise that they want (Source: EA):

With this knowledge, we decided to abandon early development of a Star Wars FPS action game and focus on new projects based on our own brands while supporting the existing games.

The Jedi series will continue to be supported:

EA has lost employees, but Battlefield is doing well

EA was not spared from the current wave of layoffs. Around five percent of the workforce had to leave the studio, according to the report. It has not been officially confirmed whether the canceled Star Wars game is ultimately related to this (source: VGC).


EA has had problems in the past developing major Star Wars games beyond the successful Jedi series. Back in 2019, a project codenamed Ragtag and led by Amy Hennig was discontinued. Additionally, EA reportedly canceled a Star Wars Battlefront spin-off titled Viking that same year (Source: PC Gamer).

While Star Wars seems to be at least partly underwhelming at EA, Miele emphasized this Progress on the next Battlefield game.
