Dragon's Dogma 2: pawns, bugs, quests… soon a new update! | Xbox

Available for almost a month now, Dragon's Dogma 2 is preparing to welcome a new update.

New update approaching!

Although the title has attracted more than 2.5 million players, it has suffered from several glitches since its launch, including performance issues, which the studio continues to try to correct.


In a message published today on Twitter, Capcom announces the arrival of a next update which will notably correct several bugs and modify the behavior and dialogues with your pawns.

Expected on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PC, this update does not currently have a release date, but you will find the main upcoming changes below.

Remember that Dragon's Dogma 2 is available now on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 or PC and our full test can be found at this address.

Main changes in the next update

  • Reduced the frequency of Dragon Plague infection and adjusted the signs of Dragon Plague infected tokens to be more visible.
    • For example, the glowing eyes of infected pawns will be more visible.
  • Added an option to zoom in on the faces of Arisen and pawns in the status screen, shops, etc.
  • Fixed some issues and implemented adjustments related to the minimap. Treasure chests that have already been acquired will not be displayed on the mini-map.
  • Adjustments to pawn behavior and dialogue.
    • Fixed issues that sometimes prevented the player from performing a high five with pawns.
    • Fixed issues where pawns would not start guiding you after offering to do so.
    • Decreased probability of pawns falling from cliffs.
    • Reduced the frequency of certain pawn lines of dialogue.
    • Improved pawn replicas to better match the circumstances.
    • Fixed some issues where pawns would stop talking outside of combat.
    • Fixed some issues where the main pawn speaks the support pawn's dialogue.
    • Pawns are more likely to help the Arisen if the latter orders them to do so while they are held back by enemies.
    • Reduced the frequency with which pawns offer to be tapped by the player while on the field.
  • Fixed issues where escort quests are sometimes considered failed when accessing the character edit or in other specific situations.
  • Fixed issues where the player could become imprisoned when fighting monsters in town.
  • Fixed some crashes and freezes in specific circumstances.
  • Various bug fixes.

